“Seer? Seer?”
I look dazedly into the familiar green eyes of Pocus. He’s staring into my face with a worried frown. A helpless tear slips down my eyes, followed by a broken sob.
“She’s dead, man,” I mutter in a broken voice. I hold out my hands in front of me, and they’re covered in Victoria’s blood. “She died, Pocus. She’s fucking dead.”
Pocus’ features go from worried to alarmed and back to worried, all in the space of one second.
“What are you talking about, Seer? What the hell is going on? Snap out of it, man!”
But his voice soon fades into distant echoes as I submit to the darkness pressing down on my soul. Finally, I’m too fatigued to hold on.
Perhaps I can find some peace in hell.
* * *
Iopen my eyes slowly, and I’m surprised to see Mama sitting by my bedside.
“You’re awake,” she states quietly.
“Thank goodness!” I heard Pocus’s voice, and I turned my head to see him walking toward my bed from the window. “You scared the shit out of me, man.”
“What’s going on?” I ask, sitting up slowly in bed. I look from one to the other with a curious frown. “Why’s Mama here?”
“What do you mean, what’s going on?” Pocus asks. He sounds surprised, which only serves to confuse me further.
“I don’t know,” I replied, unable to keep a hint of frustration from my voice. “I wake from a nap to see you and Mama.”
“A nap?” Pocus asks ridiculously. “You’ve been unconscious for three fucking days.”
“Don’t you remember?” Pocus asks, shaking his head at me. “One minute, we were having a discussion, and then you suddenly froze and said things that didn’t make any sense. At some point, you started to cry and yell. Then you fucking passed out on me, man. Graveyard tried everything to resuscitate you, but you weren’t budging. I had to go get Mama.”
“What the fuck…,” I mutter under my breath.
“Did you remember getting a vision before you passed out?” Mama asks.
I try to think about it. I remember sitting on the porch with Pocus, feeling sad about Victoria, but I can’t seem to recall anything after that. I shake my head at Mama. “No… I don’t remember anything of the sort.”
“Well, you did,” Mama says with a soft sigh. She glances at Pocus and back at me. “Someone forced a vision on you.”
“Edward…,” I mutter, dropping my head into my hands with a heavy sigh.
“Who’s that?” Mama asks.
“Seer’s evil twin brother,” Pocus supplies. “He’s the one that stole the sight.”
Hearing it said out loud almost makes me laugh. It sounds like the plot of a bad movie, but instead, it’s my life.
“That makes more sense,” Mama says with a small nod. “He probably has the Zoramhus stone.”
“What’s that?” Pocus asks, taking the question right out of my mouth.
“An ancient relic that can trap auras and powers at will. In the right hands, it’s just a harmless little thing but can become deadly if it falls into the wrong hands. If your brother has your power trapped in the stone, it would be easy for him to project a vision. He’d be in control. But it doesn’t give him the power to project total fabrications. The things you see will be real, in a sense, just distorted…,” she trails off. “Only the most powerful of wizards can properly use the Zoramhus stone, a wizard of the first order. There’s only one person I can think of in NOLA that fits that criteria.”
“And who might that be?” I ask.