“I think he’s cute, so what?” I say in what I hope is a careless tone.
Abigail and Evanesce burst into laughter. If I blushed easily, I’d be as red as an overripe tomato right now. I swallow down a sigh, wishing they’d just mind their business. I know they mean well, but I’m not used to situations where I’m the center of attention.
“So nothing, girl,” Evanesce says with a dramatic hand gesture when her laughter winded down. “That man’s ass is too damn fine to watch from the sidelines. You know you wanna fuck him senseless.”
“Nesce!” Abigail gasps.
Evanesce shrugs. “What?”
“Filter, please,” Abigail says, rolling her eyes. She rubs her stomach protectively, glaring playfully at Evanesce. “The baby can hear you.”
“Sorry,” Evanesce says, but she doesn’t sound sorry at all. “But someone’s got to say it. The sexual tension between them is at an all-time high, but neither of them is doing anything about it. It’s frustrating as hell.”
“I’m sure they’ll sort it all out in their own time,” Abigail says, flashing me a kind smile. “For now, I think I want to keep gawking at my husband. Damn, the man is so hot.”
Evanesce snickers and shakes her head. The two quietly return their attention to the game, leaving me to my thoughts once more.
I try to find that inner bliss I had just moments ago, but it is long gone. I can feel myself getting swept off by an onslaught of unidentifiable emotions, each clamoring for recognition.
In the end, none of it matters….
I’m leaving soon, anyway.
Seer is lying on his back on the bed, holding up a book to his face. He smiles up at me, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Come on in.”
I close the door gently behind me and go to curl up on the couch by the window. Seer sets aside his books and slides off the bed, walking over to me barefoot.
“Can I sit?” he asks, gesturing at the space beside me.
Sure,” I reply with a small shrug.
Seer settles quietly beside me, and we sit together in silence, neither feeling the need to say anything just yet. I wonder what had brought me knocking on his door at such an odd hour. Maybe it’s the fact that no matter how hard I tried, I haven’t been able to get Evanesce’s comments from earlier out of my mind. The truth is, I want to fuck his brains out. The thought had got my mind racing and my body feeling hot all over. Sleep wasn’t an option, but I doubt coming to snuggle into his bedroom couch is a good idea, either.
“You all right?” Seer asks me, finally breaking the silence.
“Yeah,” I say, flashing him a small smile. “I couldn’t sleep.”
“Me neither. I think it’s all that adrenaline from running around all day. It was fun, but I still feel too pumped up to sleep.”
“So, you decided to read?”
“Naturally,” Seer replies with a pleased smile. “I just realized how much I miss the exercise. It feels like ages since I flipped the pages of a book.”
“What were you reading before I came in?” I ask, searching his face.
“Carlos Ruiz Zafón’sThe Labyrinth of Spirits.”
I gasp softly. “Oh, my! Isn’t that the last book in the Cemetery of Forgotten Books series?”
Seer’s expression instantly lightens up. “You’re familiar with the series?”
“Are you kidding me? I love it.”
“Me too,” Seer responds with a beaming smile. “I swear I’ve read this one a hundred times, and I still can’t get over it.”