“You’re going to get a promotion and leave?” she blubbered, covering her face with her hands.
“Hey, hey... no.” I turned her around to face me, and she tucked into my chest. “Shh... no, Gypsy. I’m not leaving.”
The words left my mouth with a stinging sensation. My heart caught me in the lie, and I had to correct myself. I never wanted to lie to her.
“I mean, I haven’t gotten the promotion yet. Okay? So there is no guarantee.” I kissed her forehead, and she backed away, taking a paper towel and blowing her nose. “So it’s true? You’re up for a promotion and you’ll be deployed?”
“How did you hear about all this?” I leaned against the exam table, confused. I wanted to be the one to tell her, and only if it happened. There was no point in getting her riled up if I didn’t get the job.
“Some of this was in your file. Dr. Marshal spoke with someone on the base about it. He told me when I asked.” She sniffled and wiped her eyes.
I could see the emotional torment she was under. Part of me felt a bit upset that other people were talking about my future without me present. Another part of me felt upset that she couldn’t just support my desire. Lots of men joined up and got deployed, and their wives or partners had to remain at home. I didn’t see the issue. It was normal for me.
“Gypsy, it’s not set in stone yet. Okay? I was going to tell you when I found out whether I actually got the job.” I shrugged. “I’m sorry if this hurt you.”
“So you’d wait until you were actually leaving to let me know? Not even give me a heads up that it could be a possibility? Do I mean that little to you?” She cried harder, and I felt stuck.
I looked down at my feet, ashamed. I’d hurt her without even trying. I thought I was doing the right thing. Clearly, I was not.
“Look, I have other appointments today. We can talk about this later on, okay?” She sniffled. “I’m not angry. Just sad.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt you, babe.” I tried to hug her, but she held her hand out. I took it as a sign that she wasn’t fond of the idea and backed toward the door. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Gypsy turned her back to me, so I let myself out. The entire appointment was confusing. Maybe she had wanted to feel connected to me before slapping that on me, which is why she initiated sex before confronting me. But that felt wrong on so many levels—and confusing.
I left the office feeling a flurry of emotions, but I was thankful I hadn’t blown my top. Gypsy might not know it, but she was changing things inside me for the better. I just hoped my stupidity hadn’t ruined it again.
I had correctly answered every question Cameron had at least three times and I was feeling exhausted. Mentally, I was ready to snap, but I thought I was holding myself together quite well. I hovered over the note cards, studying my brains out, and he chuckled at my intensity.
“I’ve never seen anyone want to learn so badly in my whole life. I’m so honored to be your mentor, Gypsy. I believe you’re going to do just fine and pass every class you have left if you keep working this hard. And you’re going to make an excellent doctor, too. You really care about your patients.” His sincerity was touching. It made me smile despite my furious concentration. “Let’s have a break.”
Cameron pulled out a box of chocolates and set them in front of me. They made my mouth water just looking at them. He plucked one from the box and popped it in his mouth. I set my cards down and eyed the chocolates, glancing at the lid. The bold words “chocolate-covered espresso beans” caught my attention, and I frowned. I had cut back on caffeine since learning I was pregnant. I would have to drool over the delicious morsels while he ate them.
“What’s wrong?” He cocked his head to the side, and I shrank back.
“I’m cutting caffeine out, and those look delicious.” I smiled, sighing away my disappointment. I shivered too. The room was a bit cold. Even inside the building, I could tell it was late December and the wind was biting down on the Northeast US.
“I meant, what’s actually wrong? You’ve been quiet today, and not in a good way. Something is bothering you. It’s the holidays, only three days until Christmas. You should be filled with holiday cheer.” Cameron took the box of chocolates off the desk and put the lid back on them, tucking them into his desk. He was such an organized man, tidy office, even a few houseplants to keep him company and the air clean.
I rubbed my face, tired and not wanting to dive into my personal life. Maggie had been so busy with shopping and holiday parties that she hadn’t been free for a girl chat, and I couldn’t exactly talk to Evan about things. But Cameron was right. If I didn’t get it off my chest, I was going to explode, and what good was cutting out things that were bad for me if I just lived my entire pregnancy in stress, anyway? Babies’ brains form based on the hormones their mothers have in their bloodstream. I would cause my child to have mental health issues before I even gave birth—if I gave birth.
“Talk to me.” He picked up his bottle of water and sipped it, but his eyes stayed glued on me. I always admired how he made eye contact, and his dazzling baby blues implored me to keep looking at him.
“Well, I’ve been seeing someone, but it looks like his job is going to take him away from here. I went through this before—almost the exact same scenario. Last time, he just left without telling me. This time, I found out that he was going to potentially take this position and move away, and he hadn’t even told me there was a possibility that it could happen. I feel like he’s been lying to me. I feel like he should have told me sooner.”
“But you know now.”
I nodded, feeling tears creeping in. I hated these fucking hormones that made me so damn sensitive. “Yes, I know now because I found out about it without him telling me, and I confronted him.” I had to be careful what I said. If Cameron put too many clues together, he would figure out I was dating Evan, especially given my curiosity last week about his imaging results and the promotion I’d discussed with him.
“He’s pretty important at his job?” Cameron leaned forward, setting his water down and clasping his hands in front of himself.
“I don’t know, honestly, but the new job would be more important, I think.” I really didn’t know anything at all. I hadn’t asked. I’d been hurt and accused him instead of talking to him about it.
“He’s a military guy, huh?”