“I have a universal translator implanted in my brain that includes the top four types of human speak.”

I’m distracted for a moment by the gorgeous white bedding, the fireplace, and the flickering candles. This room is everything I could ever want and yes, maybe his hairy chest and sexy nearness affect my decision-making process. I want his kisses again. Even his deep voice and his touch when he holds my hand is a thing of wonder. And this fancy lodge, which I assume is near Sun Valley, Idaho, is basically the home of my dreams. I haven’t seen all of it yet and I’m sold. Living here will be no hardship. But really this is crazy, deciding so soon to throw birth control out the window. “I have my future already lined up,” I protest, which is true. My plans for my stepfather’s accountability and my mother’s freedom from tyranny, along with the restitution of my funds and the health of my cat, is only a minor bump in the road of the Posey Bamburgh “show.” I have one more semester left in England and then it’s on to my plans for world domination, one book at a time.

“I understand, I also had explicit plans to become leader of all the ancient tribes on my planet, but now that dream is gone. But I will somehow create a new path on this planet. Your dreams and plans do not have to end because of this joining. The both of us can continue on, but now with each other as support.”

Darn it, why does this man from another planet have to sound so sensible and supportive? I stare at him, wondering if this alien is going to be the ruin of me, or the best decision I ever made. I have no idea. Never have I been so tempted to toss caution to the wind.

He pulls me close, cups my chin with a rough hand and looks deep into my eyes. And suddenly I’m trembling in his arms because I can feel the enormous outline of his hard cock against my stomach. “Female, your scent drifted from that stage all the way to the back of the room where I sat. Your pheromones hit me in the chest and entered my lungs and I immediately imprinted on you. Voltare matings are always correct.”

A whimper escapes my mouth.

“Do you accept this mating bed?”

Oh hell. “I accept.”

And then he’s undoing the buckle at the belt of his black pants. My eyes follow the movements of his strong gray hands. I shift on my feet, growing restless at that throbbing need between my thighs. His tight abs are delicious and I can’t wait to see what he has to offer. I reach out to help because he’s going too darn slow.

“No,” he orders. “Let me do it. I must present myself to you for consideration.”

The waiting is killing me but soon there’s a peek of black hair, and a hint of throbbing gray shaft. And then the pants are open and a hard, gray cock bounces in front of me. He slides the pants down thick, muscular thighs and kicks off his pants. Now he’s naked. I bite my lip. Never have I been so close to so much male glory. His shaft is so big I’m a little intimidated, but only for a moment. White moisture leaks from the slit on the dark gray crown. He holds it in his hand and gives it a few tight strokes, basically showing it off so I can see it all.

“Do you accept my cock as satisfactory for your needs?”

It’s so beautiful, I’m tempted to take a picture. “Oh, yes. It is perfectly satisfactory, but I have one question. Is that going to fit?”

He again retracts those impressive tusks. “I will lick you until you are wet and swollen with need. I will make sure it fits.”

I guess I’m going through with this. This whole “giving away my virginity” thing is going much differently than I’d originally assumed. Maybe the orgasms tonight will be real?

I reach for him and pull this hot, naked and aroused warrior in for a passionate kiss, because I can’t wait any longer to have his fabulous lips on mine again.

And oh god, that gorgeous hard cock rubs against my corset again and I’m in heaven. He wraps his massive arms around me and growls with need. He deepens our kiss. This time his tongue is in my mouth and I suck on it and even bite his lips.

My whole world turns on its axis. Since when do I enjoy kissing? I want him so badly I can’t even stand still. He tastes amazing. And having all of him so near and his scent in my lungs is heady. I could lock lips with this man all day and night.

Waylen finally breaks off the kiss. “I will undress you,” he pants.

“Sounds like a terrific idea.”

He sits me on the edge of the white bed and starts unlacing my black platform boots. A naked alien with cut muscles all over, kneeling in front of me like something out of a movie about ancient warriors. He’s very fast and efficient, plucking at the laces while not slicing through them. And then he cups the back of my calf and uses his other hand to pull off my boot. It thunks to the ground. Then he works on the next one and in minutes I’m wiggling both sets of toes.

His hands run up my jeweled stocking legs that sparkle in crisscross patterns, under my knees, close to my thighs. Then he takes my hand and I’m standing again. He begins with the corset because I assume he wants to see my breasts. They aren’t huge, but personally I think they’re cute enough. I’ve never been naked in front of a man before. He will be the first.

I reach up to help him with the ribbon laces.

“No, let me unwrap my present.” My hands fall away and without instruction he finds the knot to undo all the ties. He loosens the ribbons and watches closely as my skin is exposed, then he tosses the corset to the floor. My breasts and my whole torso are now available to his view. His hands are on my hips, but his eyes remain fixed on my chest and nipples.

He takes my hand and I’m standing again. And then his claws are on my corset. I am surprised at how well he’s able to find the knot and undo all the ties. He loosens it and my breasts and my whole torso are exposed.

“Beautiful,” he rumbles with a hint of awe in his voice.

Then his fingers pull down the top of the stockings, around my waist.

“Don’t tear them,” I plead. “They’re sewn by hand and I want to keep them.” He nods and gently rolls them down past my hips. I sit and offer him my foot. “They come off easier if you pull them off from the toes.”

Waylen crouches and runs his hands up the length of one bejeweled, stocking leg. His fingers reach my thighs and he pulls the tights down further. My foot is in his hand and he tugs on the black stocking from the tip and gets the last of that side off. Then he does the same to the next leg and the tights clink on the wood floor next to my corset. He takes my hand and has me stand in front of him again, his hot red gaze taking in all of me. All that is left are my black panties. I’ve never been this naked in front of a man in my entire life.

“Untie your hair.”