I kick open the door and sweep inside with my mate. Then I move into the large front room and turn her around slowly in a full circle so she can clearly see the domicile I have readied for our mating. A tightness forms in my chest as I await confirmation that she finds this acceptable. I might consider her my mate already, knowing that my body is enflamed for her alone, but she still has the right to deny me at any moment in this negotiation and simply walk away. It is my job to convince her to stay.It is always the male’s job to set up the mating and breeding location. I must convince her to stay.

I gently place her down on those the strange foot coverings she wears. I can hardly wait to carefully take all this dark clothing off her so I can lick and bite every nanco of her naked body. I take a deep breath and ask the all-important question. “Do you approve of the domicile I have created for our mating?”

She takes in the crackling stone fireplace, the grand staircase, and the open area between this large formal room at the front of the house and another gathering space at the back of the house, which includes another set of dark windows as well an additional fireplace and formal dining. All of this can be seen at once from where we stand. Above are beamed ceilings and an open walkway to the two opposite wings of the house.

“Yes, this is acceptable,” she admits.

My shoulders slump with relief and I reach out and rub her long braid between my claws. She doesn’t move away, instead she leans in closer to me.

A cleaning bot arrives to clean up after our footsteps. It’s also highly inquisitive of the animal still boxed in my female’s arms.

“Is that a robot?”

“It’s a cleaning bot. There are several of them and a repair bot too.”

“No one else lives here?”

“No, only you and I and now also your odd Earth pet.”

She looks down indulgently at the bright case and the furry beast that moves within. It makes a sound, as if it’s trying to communicate. “I need to get Demon Spawn set up and comfortable. She’s tired and hungry. It’s been a long trip for her.”

“Of course,” I grumble and reach down to shift the placement of my hard, leaking cock in my trousers. This extended wait for my female’s touch and the inability to place my seed inside of her has turned into a chronic pain. The rush of her taste when we kissed at the auction house soothed some of my need, but also increased my desperation to claim her as mine.

She glances down and blinks at the size of my tented crotch and then quickly looks away.

A grin spreads across my features. The air is thick with her arousal. Soon I will show her all of me so she can decide if she wants this inside of her for the rest of her life. I suspect this will be an easy acceptance.

“What does your pet require?” I ask. My job is to make sure my female is comfortable and feels the new domicile I have created for her, and our future offspring, is everything she will need. This traditionally demonstrates my dedication to our future family. I suppose with humans, this also includes the care of a pet. It is just simply an additional mating trial.

“I need a location for Demon to sleep that is enclosed, where I can open her case and she can walk around in safety. She needs food, drink and I must set up her kitty litter box.”

“Do you need the kitchen or a bedroom?”

She tilts her head. “A bedroom with an attached bath would be perfect. Is there something like that here?”

I point upstairs, which conveniently is also where our mating room is located. “A bedroom upstairs meets those requirements.” I collect her luggage from the porch, and we progress together up the stairs.

Posey remains quiet and aloof, as if the grandeur of the house is not affecting her, but her eyes continue to dart around, taking in her surroundings, just as she did when we were outside. My new mate is a female of few words, who only speaks when she has something important to say, or orders to give, which I find refreshing. We stop at the door to the guest room next door to our own, which includes the attached bathroom she requested.

I open the portal and she steps inside. “You can set down the luggage over there,” she orders.

I shake my head. “Our mating room is located next door. I will place your luggage in the room where you will reside with me.”

She narrows her dark eyes at me. “Ourroom? You want me to move into your bedroom with you? Wouldn’t it be easier for the both of us if I slept here, next door, where I can keep an eye on my cat? That way when you’re done with me each night it’s easier for me to leave and the each of us to have our own space.”

“Why would I be done with you and want my own space? The whole point of taking a mate is to spend time together. I will always require your scent in my lungs while I sleep. We will share the mating bed each night. You will leave the cat in this room and meet me next door so you can make your next two decisions.”

She places a hand on her hip. “Two more decisions? What was the first decision? You will explain this better for me. I do not entirely understand Voltare mating customs.”

It is true that as a human, there’s the possibility for confusion. I put down some of the luggage so I can make my most important point. “You are here to be my mate. This is not some sort of temporary human mating contract. Divorce and adultery do not exist within mated pairs of my species. When I take you, you will be mine until the end of days.”

She stares, caught off guard. This, she did not expect.

“Didn’t you read the contract at the auction house prior to signing?” I question. “I know for a fact it included language specific to the mating needs of the Voltare. I cannot latch onto a female, give that human female my seed and impregnate her and then have her want to leave. That won’t work. As per our mating rituals you have consented to the domicile, and now you must let me know if you agree to the mating bed. Then I will show you my cock so you can decide if that is what you want inside of you for the rest of your days. If you find it acceptable, we will mate and become legal partners.”

Her eyes dart to my tented crotch and then back up to my face. She licks her lips. “Really?”

“Yes. And I will fill you with my seed and you will become pregnant. We will start our family this evening and you will become swollen with my offspring.”