“If you are referring to my cousin, Taygar, then yes.”

The ramp lowers and she enters my hovercraft. I stow all her luggage away and guide her to the cockpit.

Posey places that pet down nearby. “Does Demon need to be secured?” she questions.

I sigh with resignation and take a moment to place netting around the carrier. “Sit,” I order and help her with her belt, then take my own seat next to her. The ship powers up and I load the destination. In moments we are again cloaked and in the air. The lights of the auction house disappear from the edges of the front view window.

My female sits stoically, gazing out the window as if she’s done this before, even though I know as a primitive human she’s never been in a spaceship in her entire life. The slope of her delicate neck, exposed by her dark hair tied into two separate braids is enticing. I am again stunned by her exotic human beauty. No claws, tusks or fangs and yet I do not view her as defenseless.

She remains quiet as we pass over a dark sea and then streak over a few clusters of bright cities and then back into the relative darkness of the human wilderness. “Who are you?” she suddenly asks. “What do you do?”

“I am the most feared warrior on Voltare,” I answer truthfully.

She turns toward me and her dark eyes linger on my tribal status markings. “That’s a bold claim.”

“It is not a claim, it is a fact. I hold the title.”

“Well, since I am unable to research what you’ve said, I guess I’ll never know.”

“Ask Taygar Tusk, he’ll confirm my status as most feared warrior.”

“This is nonsensical. Why did the two of you even come to Earth to purchase human wives? Is there something wrong with you that you can’t find a mate on your own planet?”

My grip tightens on the controls. She is goading me, trying to test my ability to control my anger. But I can still scent her arousal for me in this confined space and I know that she is mine, so I accept this test. “My cousin was banished because he was an honorable male who was a whistleblower,” I answer calmly, making sure to tell her the entire truth about myself. She is my mate and to be fully trusted. “Taygar is considered a hero on our planet. But I’m unlike my cousin. I was banished because my rival for title of Most Feared Warrior managed to blame me for the death of a peacekeeper. My enemy understood that having me banished was worse than imprisonment. Even during imprisonment, inmates are allowed a mating bed with a compatible female. Banishment is deadly for a male of my age because I was close to my possible heating window. And they were not wrong—within months of my banishment the symptoms began.”

“That’s why you were at the Auction House and wanted to marry me?”

“I came to Earth because I learned that humans are a rare species that is mating compatible with Voltare. I need my mate to cure the symptoms of mating heat and therefore I went to many of your mating rituals to finally find and procure the correct female.”

“Or you could’ve just met human females in real life, or even on a match-mating site and found your mate that way. And it wouldn’t have cost you twenty million dollars.”

My brow furrows. “I was told this was the only way to gain a mate on this planet.”

Her lips twitch.

And suddenly I wonder if Taygar and his female were telling me the entire truth about human mating practices. “We are here,” I say. The ship rushes past a brightly lit, sprawling domicile and I circle back. “We are here,” I say. The hovercraft lands gently on the front lawn and I power it down and unclick my belt.

“Did you bring me to your ranch?”

“This is a comfortable domicile on a large piece of property with a river that runs through it. There are no human animals to be cared for. It is not a commercial property, only a property with wildlands and a home. Therefore, it is very private.”

“So not a working ranch, but more of a private luxury home with a view.”

“Yes, there is a range of mountains very close. Come and look inside. I will show you what I’ve done.”

Posey gives me a quizzical glance, then unclicks her belt and is out of her seat. She pauses to comfort her distressed animal while I collect all her luggage. Then we walk together, along with her pet inside the case, down the ramp and onto the front lawn.

I watch her face as she sees her new home for the first time, looking for clues as to her enjoyment of the domicile I chose for us. Her first views are in the dark of night, but the lighting of the exterior does an excellent job of highlighting the domicile’s attributes. The large house is made of light stone and dark wood with many expansive windows to let in views of the surrounding vistas. “It is a large, comfortable home with six bedrooms and many living spaces. It is more spectacular in the morning. I hate living on Earth in general, but I do believe I have found a location that is acceptable.”

She doesn’t respond, but her eyes continue to dart around, taking in her surroundings.

We follow the paved, lit walkway and up to the impressive front door.

I stop and put all the luggage down and unlock the door, leaving it only slightly ajar. Then I lift her into my arms, along with the cat inside the case now on top of her lap.

She lets out a grumble of irritation. “What are you doing? I can walk.”

“I must carry you into our new domicile for the first time. This is where you will live,” I announce. “This is your new home.”