“Demon Spawn.”

“Who? What?”

“Put me down. I forgot something backstage.”

I let her down and follow as she strides behind the stage with determination. Everyone appears to be gone and the entire area is now empty. Posey grabs her bag, which is next to a brightly colored case. With something alive and furry squirming inside. “What is that?” I ask.

“That’s my cat. She’s coming with us.”

“We are not bringing an alien animal with us this evening,” I grouse. “You will leave it behind with the auction house staff.”

“I won’t go anywhere without my cat,” she hisses. “If you want me, the cat comes too.”

I bare my fangs at the pet she’s brought along in the brightly colored case. But my new mate continues to glare back at me and does not back down. Posey Tusk is a strong, stubborn female. This is admirable. I take a deep breath and step over to examine this small creature that is important to her. I look through the fabric screen and the furry beast hisses at me just as fierce as its owner. I let out a snort of disgust but give a curt nod of approval. If this is the only way to have her, then I will make this unusual concession.

I reach down to pick up the animal case.

Posey shakes her head and points. “I’ll carry the cat. You bring my luggage.”

I glance back at the stack of large black boxes. “All of this is yours?” And strangely I am not angry, I instead admire her tenacity. How many females, even amongst my own species would dare to order me around? Therefore, I can accommodate this female. I heft all the luggage into my arms and onto my shoulders.

She holds the cat case and a black bag. “I’m ready.”

I nod and guide her out the opening.

“Where are we going?” she questions. “Don’t we need to stay and perform a marriage ceremony here first? You said that you wanted to marry me. I need to make sure before we leave that I’m going to have a new last name.”

“There is no need to remain. I will instead claim you at our new domicile according to Voltare traditions.” But my Posey is not pleased with this statement, and I believe I know the reason. “Do not worry,” I comfort. “By the end of this evening you will legally become Posey Tusk.”

She glances at my mouth and chin. “Your last name really is Tusk?”

I make sure to elongate my tusks for her perusal. “Yes. I am a Tusk and now, so are you.”

She stares intently at my famed, sharp white tusks and then calmly meets my gaze. “Are we going to travel far tonight? Are we staying at a home or a hotel?”

“We do not have to travel far, and no, we will not stay in temporary lodging. I am taking you to our domicile.”

“Where do you live?”

“In the human wilderness.”

I appreciate that she questions whether I have everything ready for the mating. Maybe human rituals aren’t all that different from Voltare. “I have everything ready for you, female,” I assure her. “I have the mating bed arranged for your approval.”

She opens her mouth and then shuts it due to the wind and noise of exiting helicopters and airplanes. Vehicles pull out to the road. The breeze brushes her dark hair across her smooth forehead. And I find myself staring at the sexy sway of her hips and her ass as we walk further outside. That ass is a fine work of art and I want to grab it every day for the rest of my life. Vehicles pull out to the road. I take her past the commotion to an open field beyond the lights and into the darkness.

“I don’t understand,” she comments.

I pause and put down some luggage and reach into my pocket. Then I pull out my remote and tap it and suddenly my hovercraft uncloaks.

She comes to a complete stop. “You have a spaceship?”



“How else did you think I arrived on your planet?” I question.

She looks me up and down. “You said your species is Voltare? The same as that alien that married the earth girl last year? The one who is a diplomat?”