Waylen doesn’t want me out of this home for the time being because he’s still in heat, which means highly possessive, but I can entice him to go out for a walk with me. I woke up this morning and gave him an epic blowjob, so I should have a very pleased Voltare in the house today. I suspect if I go find him while he’s in his battle simulation room, I can talk him into a walk. Especially if I’m dressed in tight black leggings, a skimpy black sports bra and grey sneakers. My two braids are pinned on the top of my head. He’d never want me out alone like this, even though I doubt we’ll see anyone else. Only the nearby animals. But he’s very protective right now.

I cannot believe how quickly I’ve grown used to this alpha male. Protective does not bother me. And neither does love.

Love? Is that why he’s always on my mind?

This must be why I enjoy living with him more than anyone else, even Wendy. Last night I told him more stories of my childhood when my father was still alive. Yesterday I even let him pin me to the mat without much fuss because he had me so worked up with all his amazing warrior skills. I could only take so much of his deep voice ordering me around, the sweaty, hard muscles and sharp cunning before I was begging for him, again.

How can I possibly be in love? The only people I’ve ever loved in my life were my father who died, my mother who is now enthralled with a man I hate and my lovely Demon, who is a senior. When I lose Demon, I won’t know what I’ll do. The devastation will be complete. Life gives you a few people, or animals, to love and then… they leave you. What if I give all of myself to Waylen and he leaves me too? He says he can’t physically cheat on me with another female, and he needs my pheromones nearby, but this doesn’t mean he won’t eventually grow tired of me and one day resent our joining. Maybe he thinks of this as a golden pairing, but in the future he might consider me an annoying chain around his neck.

I have no idea how to reconcile these random thoughts.

He’s been trying his best to get me pregnant and I help the best I can, loving the intimacy of that warm heat when it jets inside of me. What if I’m already pregnant?

Demon strolls into the closet. I pick up my cat and rub her soft fur against my cheek, deciding to let these newfound emotions go. I hate emotions, they are worthless. Action is more my speed.

I go in search of Waylen and hear him in the bathroom. Bad timing. He’s done early with battle simulation and he always takes forever in the cleansing unit and then takes forever to decide what black pants to wear. I want to go for a walk right now, while I have the notion and the weather is perfect. In fact, this might be better. I’ll take my phone and earbuds with me and dictate a few thousand words of my next chapter while I walk alone. I can kill two birds with one stone.

I leave behind my cat and my man and go back to Waylen’s armament case. I take out a small blade and slip it into the halter tied around my waist. All ready. I’ll be back before he even notices I’m gone. Not that I need to let anyone know of my whereabouts. Heh.

Outside the sun is indeed shining, kissing my skin with just the right amount of warmth. A light breeze caresses my cheek. I slip on my large, black sunglasses and step out past the back terrace and onto the path I’ve noticed peeking at me, calling me to explore.

My chin lifts to the sunshine and I take a deep breath. The scent of pine trees and blooming flowers lingers in the air.

Then I’m on the path and over a hill and the house disappears from view. I slip on my earbuds and open an app on the phone and start talking, getting into the story. I don’t get very far when I reach a fork in the path. Darn. This isn’t good. I take the earbuds out and put them in my pocket and pause the transcription, trying to decide which way to go that won’t get me lost.

I glance back the way I came and that’s when I see Demon Spawn trailing in the distance. Dammit. I shake a fist in her general direction. What is that little idiot doing? I told her to stay inside because the predators around here will gladly eat her alive. She’s to be an indoor cat now, which is no hardship considering she’s got an eight-thousand-square-foot luxury log cabin to freely roam.

How did she even get out? The sneak.

Well, that’s the end of my walk for today. Guess I can try again another time. I turn back with a deep sigh and go looking for her, determined to scoop her up and take her home. Demon doesn’t understand that she’s not as strong as she used to be. We both used to love walks together but not anymore. She’s not even perfectly healed from her surgery. It’s those darn pain meds, making her think she’s invincible.

When I get close, she gets that familiar gleam of mischief in her eye and darts off the path, probably knowing she’s in trouble.

And now the chase is on.

Normally, I would be pleased with these games, but we are in the wilderness. These are not the tame suburbs. She could be eaten by a mountain lion if she’s not careful. And she’s much older than she used to be. My Demon is in denial of her limitations. I follow her but soon lose all sense of where she could’ve gone as well as feeling nervous about where the trail was to begin with.

And then I hear a sharp cry of distress.

“Demon?” I shout and sprint in the direct I think she went. I burst through bushes and find myself at the edge of a steep cliff. My cat is lying on the bottom.

My butt hits the dirt and I scoot myself over rocks and grass until I finally get to the bottom. I fall to my knees in the dirt next to her. She’s bleeding and her back leg is at a weird angle.

And all I can do is cry.

I hear a roar in the distance. “Posey!” a deep voice bellows.



“What are you doing out here alone in the wilderness?” I shout at my female who is somehow at the base of a steep dirt cliff. I cannot believe she left the house without me.

Earth is tamer than Voltare but there are still a variety of predators on the hunt in this section of the planet.

My sudden rage over this abandonment and her risky behavior knows no bounds. Just this morning I inhaled the new trail of pheromones emanating from her skin, letting me know she’s already carrying our offspring. Due to the difference between the gestational timelines of our two species, I am certain she is unaware. I was readying to surprise her with this early news and bring her to the recently updated med lab, where we could both see a visual of the infant’s steadily beating heart. And also finally heal that cat, Demon.

Instead, I step out of the closet and cannot find her anywhere and discover she’s left the house alone? I burst out the back door, charging around the perimeter. Finally, I saw the footprints leading to the trail.