Now I glance at the time and feel bad that it’s so late in the morning. I’ve slept in way too late and Demon is probably hungry and needs her meds again. I’m a bad parent. I also need to check on the disbursement of last night’s funds into my accounts. There’s much to be done with that money I made.

Waylen’s face is even more handsome in sleep. I should hop out of bed immediately, but I can’t help but pause and examine the alien warrior I married last night. Dark eyelashes rest against his cheeks. Both tusks are gone. He told me he retracts them for sleep, sex and eating. The sheet only covers his hips and he’s asleep on his side, facing me. I love the perfection of his shaved head. It’s not bald, but with black hair he’s cut short. He also told me last night that it can grow out much longer, but it’s shorn to signify his separation from his tribe. Black alien tattoos that swirl around his arms stand out against his gray skin and cut muscles. His black claws can be oh, so gentle. And he smells wonderful, like leather and cedar and a hint of cinnamon. And that’s just his natural scent.

Desiring the man who purchased me for his pleasure was not part of the plan. I thought I would force myself to go through the motions, put up with the discomfort and try to make this good for the stranger who wanted me, because he’d paid so much, and I’d signed a contract. It was only fair. But I would’ve certainly ran from that stranger’s bed the moment he’d let me go and demanded separate bedrooms.

I frown because now that I’ve experienced epic, passionate sex with Waylen, the idea of me having sex with anyone else sounds…disgusting. Tragic. I stare harder at his features, pleased he was the man with the winning bid. I did complain at first, but I suppose I lucked out. This could’ve been so much worse. I wanted a different type of billionaire to help me play out my plans of revenge, but in the end, I got the person I needed. I suspect all I really wanted was yet another man I could keep far from my heart.

Meanwhile, this man in bed next to me is someone I could grow to care for, even a little bit.

Saying yes to Waylen Tusk was one of the best decisions of my life. How could I say no after he offered his gorgeous cock for inspection? My hands and lips were over every muscled contour on his entire body last night. I’ve learned the basics on how to please him with my mouth, in the same way he does for me. This alien billionaire who purchased me is so very good in bed. And he knows it too.

And this isn’t fake. This is the real deal.

Waylen is my husband. I promised to be his actual wife and said yes to carrying his baby, so I must see this out and not jump ship in a few months. And this is where I now live? This is my new bedroom? It’s all so strange and something I’m still wrapping my brain around. I guess I’m committed to Waylen Tusk, the most feared warrior on Voltare.

I continue to gaze at him, studying my new husband.

My roommate, Wendy, is going to lose her mind when she finds out I fell into bed with an alien, married him and said “sure” to getting knocked up—all in one evening. Considering she’s been trying to find someone for me to date for the last two years and I’ve turned my nose up at all her suggestions, including the ones with titles and old money.

Finally, I force myself to leave him behind. My feet touch the hard wood floors. Sunlight filters through the sheer curtains. Through the window I can see hints of green mountains and pine trees. This is basically my dream home. It’s as if he plucked this image from my head and built it for me. It’s a massive log cabin-style mansion. The four-poster bed is huge, and the bedding entirely white, which also allows me to see the spots of virgin blood left behind from last night. This is when I’m happy there is no one else in this house and only cleaning bots will see the dried blood and other spots of prior wetness.

I use the bathroom and leave my wild bed head alone. Then I pad into the enormous closet, ignore all my luggage and put on one of his shirts and nothing else. I grab my cell phone and sneak out of the bedroom, closing the door softly behind me. Staying longer in bed with that gorgeous, naked man isn’t an option because my baby Demon needs her meds. Also, Waylen looks so peaceful and I hate to disturb him. Maybe he needs more sleep now that he’s recovering from that nasty “heat” he’s been complaining about. I’ll come back and check on him later.

I enter the room next door and swipe open my phone to check my account. The million dollars has already been deposited. Good. I close the bedroom door behind me and open the bathroom door, letting Demon know I’m here and to give her space to roam around and sniff. She’s slow moving but doesn’t look the worse for wear. “I’ll feed you and get your meds in just a minute,” I inform her.

I sit in a chair and reopen my banking apps and get to work. A large payment goes to keep the medicines for my baby Demon coming, along with her shots and her special food. I give them the new address, where I’m now living so I can have it shipped and pay a huge sum to have it over-nighted. Then I place money in my roommate’s account. Wendy doesn’t have a full ride scholarship. She always fretted about paying rent and purchasing food with the little she made from her part time job on campus. But not anymore. My friend is brilliant and should be able to focus on her studies, so I made it happen.

When my idiot stepfather cut me off, he also cut off the money I’ve been diverting to a group of students who had only enough scholarship for their tuition and books, but not much else, which is so, so very wrong. Wendy and these other five students have no idea that I’m their benefactor, but it’s the end of the month and they need money to live. After I send the funds off for everyone, I fall back into my chair, relieved no one will miss rent, have their power turned off or not be able to buy food or medicine. And none of them will even know I was so worried for an immediate solution I sold myself last night at auction, ready to give my virginity away. Jeez. Sometimes tending for other people is stressful, especially when the money you thought would always be there is suddenly gone.

Which reminds me that I have other reasons for that money—revenge.

I message my private investigator and send him the payment he’s been waiting for. His team will now implement the plan. I have eyes on my mother—this is what matters. Whenever I text her, asking how she’s doing she always says she’s fine. In fact, happy. And she sends pictures of herself smiling and laughing with my stepfather. This is how I’m certain something is wrong. Desdemona Bamburgh does not smile. She’s even taken Ezra’s last name and is now Desdemona Wilson. It’s disgusting.

And that’s when I remember Waylen referred to me as Posey Tusk.

I should be horrified at this outcome, but somehow, I’m not.


I was planning on taking an assumed last name temporarily, to help with my plans for remaining hidden. But I never meant to keep that name. It was something legal and “on paper” for a short time. But the thought of being referred to as Posey Tusk sounds pleasant. Waylen and Posey Tusk. It has a certain ring to it.

Demon rubs against my ankles. “Demon Spawn, how are you this morning? Sorry I’ve been busy. Can you believe any of this happened?” I put aside my phone and gently lift her onto my lap. “I got that money I needed, so that’s good. But I also married Waylen last night and it’s not pretend. I think…I think I might like that big alien warrior. I know, it’s crazy.”

She meows her response and continues to purr. I pet her and rub my cheek against her face, then I gather her bag and give her the morning shot. She doesn’t even complain, the darling. Then she accepts her special food even though I’m certain it doesn’t taste as good as the old stuff.

“Let’s go,” I say. “I need some coffee and we both need to see more of this new home we’ve moved into. Maybe we’ll find some spaces you’ll enjoy. We can go find your new favorite sunning window.” I pick up my cell phone and start to carry her but Demon wants down as we make our way through the hall. She’s always loved to explore and sniff. I’m surprised at how well she’s getting around, despite those stitches. It’s a testament to how far she’s come. But I’m going to have to find a new Veterinarian for her asap, because there’s a lot more follow up care to be done. I almost laugh when a cleaning bot arrives and beeps at us, causing Demon to hiss and want back into my arms. I carry her downstairs but when we get to the front room, I put her down again.

It’s a bright, breezy day outside with blue skies and a hint of puffy clouds. Demon trails behind as I walk around the front rooms. There are windows everywhere on the ground floor without any curtains because there are no neighbors whatsoever. Everywhere I look are epic views of green grass, hints of mountains in the distance and trees. A cleaning bot beeps and rushes past to light the stack of logs in the stone fireplace.

The house was glorious last night but even more beautiful in the daylight. I step over to the windows that look on the front lawn where we first arrived. The spaceship is nowhere to be seen. “I guess it makes sense I’d marry a man with an invisible spaceship,” I remark out loud.

Then I make my way from the front of the house to the back where there is a formal dining area and another living area that leads to a terrace. The kitchen is tucked behind another stone fireplace with a wall of windows, facing the back of the house. There’s even a smaller dining area and a cozy couch and seating area, along with a TV mounted on the wall.

The kitchen is amazing. Wood cabinets line one entire wall in the same medium dark color as the rest of the wood that’s everywhere. A huge island with shiny cream-colored granite gleams in the morning light. The window over the kitchen sink has a view of the hills and the mountains.

I leave Demon behind while I step outside and explore the back patio for a bit. The morning is chilly but I’m able to still pad barefoot across the stone terrace which has lots of comfortable outside furniture. I might have to sit outside often with my laptop and work outside for a bit of sun and to enjoy the views that reach out to the mountain tops. I can even see the distant contour of a defined walking trail.
