I glance up to find Miller’s questioning stare on me and rush over to throw myself into his strong arms, telling him the good news. His body visibly relaxes under me as if a huge weight has been lifted off his shoulders.
Wanting to put my parents out of their misery, I give them a quick call, and the minute I hang up, I find Sophie hovering right behind me. “Did I just hear what I think I just heard?”
I give her a bright smile. “Damn straight you did,” I tell her, getting up off Miller’s lap and wrapping my arms around her.
“Thank God,” she sighs.
“Tell me about it.”
Thirty minutes later, we board our flight, and I freak out when the plane takes off, gripping the armrest and praying we survive, only to promptly fall asleep as exhaustion catches up with me.
Coach gives us the rundown of how things are going to go, and it’s basically a huge press conference before the games start, with a shitload more meetings and interviews in between. I must admit, I’m nervous about it as word of Mia’s death has now gotten around, and they’re bound to ask Miller how he’s holding up. But I’ve assured Coach Harris that he will be fine. Or at least, I hope he is. If not, that’s what I’m here for.
I wake an hour before the plane is due to land and pull my head up off Miller’s shoulder. “Good sleep?” he asks.
“No,” I grumble and look up to find Miller smirking down at me. “What?” I ask, narrowing my eyes at him.
He looks around quickly then leans down to me. “You want to join the Mile High Club?” he murmurs in my ear.
“What?” I whisper-yell as my eyes widen in shock. “You can’t be serious?”
“Oh, I am so serious,” he tells me with a sexy smirk.
I glance around the cabin to find the majority of the team fast asleep, and the ones still awake are certainly not paying attention to us. I bite my bottom lip, knowing this is a bad idea, but honestly, who could say no to this man? “Okay, you’re on,” I smirk back at him. “How’s this supposed to work?”
“Go down to the bathroom. I’ll come and join you in a few minutes,” he tells me.
I give one last nervous glance around before finally nodding and standing up. Making my way down the aisle to the bathroom, I’m almost certain every last person knows what I’m doing. The second I get inside the tiny space, without a damn person even glancing my way, a wave of relief washes over me.
Twenty minutes later, I can proudly say that I am now a member of the Mile High Club, and to say having sex in an airplane bathroom is difficult is the biggest understatement I’ve ever heard. But my man can make anything work. What’s even better is that no one knows our dirty little secret. Or at least, I hope they don’t.
“You ready for this?” Miller asks a few minutes out from landing. “It’s going to be crazy in there. Heaps of fans and press.”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. It’s you they want,” I laugh.
“Don’t doubt for one second that they aren’t going to hound you too. You’re my girl. They’re going to want to meet the woman who finally tamed the famous Miller Cain,” he smirks.
“I can handle myself,” I tell him as the plane begins to descend. I grab his hand in a death hold, squeezing it until I’m sure I’ve cut off the circulation.
“I thought you could handle yourself?” he teases, flipping his hand over so that I can hold it properly.
“I can,” I snap. “I just don’t like to fly.”
“Okay, okay,” he says, holding his other hand up in surrender. “No need to get your panties in a twist.”
“How can I get my panties in a twist when you won’t give them back?” I hiss under my breath. Miller smirks back at me and gently pats his pocket where my black lace thong currently resides. “Jerk,” I mutter.
The plane takes its sweet time landing, and when we finally make it into the airport, we find it filled with press and fans, everyone calling out, desperate for the attention of their favorite Dragon. I know I might be slightly biased, but I swear I hear Miller’s name being called far more often than the rest of the boys. Though I can’t blame the fans for their obsession. Miller Cain truly is a star.
After getting through security and surviving the masses, we finally make it to the hotel. The boys are given a good half an hour to get changed into their suits for the first press conference. I watch as Miller strips off and gets himself suited up, and man does he look good.
“Stop looking at me like that,” he scolds as he pulls on his suit jacket.
“I can’t help it,” I say, continuing to mentally undress him.
He walks over to me with that cocky, signature smirk and runs his fingers down my body, starting at my shoulder and trailing down my waist, sending shivers over my skin. My body reacts to his touch and he doesn’t miss a thing. “Fuck, baby. I wish I had time to give you what you need right now,” he murmurs into my ear.
“I know you do,” I say, reaching forward and palming his hard cock through his pants.