Turning on my heel, I laugh and make my way out of her room to give her a bit of privacy. Not that she’s ever needed it. “You’ll be thanking me when you’re rocking the hottest bikini body on campus,” I call through our paper-thin walls.

“I already have the hottest bikini body on campus, you bitch.”

Heading into the kitchen, I grab our water bottles out of the fridge before taking a seat on our couch. Waiting for my roomie to come striding down the hallway, I get busy tying my laces, and a few minutes later she emerges, looking much more awake as she pulls her long blonde hair into a messy bun.

“We’ll take my car,” she says, striding to the front door and pinching her keys off the hallway table.

I shake my head, knowing this isn’t going to go down well. “Uhh . . . no. We’re walking.”

Sophie’s face drops as she turns to glare at me. “You’ve got to be kidding. It’s the first day of the semester. Are you trying to kill me?”

“Don’t be so dramatic,” I tell her, joining her near the door to check my reflection in our hallway mirror. “It’s only a ten-minute walk. It’ll give you a chance to wake up properly.”

Sophie lets out a frustrated huff. “I wouldn’t need a chance to wake up properly if I was given the chance to wake up when I was good and ready,” she grumbles, taking her water bottle from me and tossing it into her bag.

I’ve lived with Sophie and Jared for the past four months in a beautiful little cottage-style house, which we rent for next to nothing. Seeing as though each of us only hold part-time jobs, we consider ourselves pretty damn lucky. Most college kids around here are paying double what we do, but fortunately for us, Sophie has a killer rack and knows how to work it.

Pushing out the door, we walk the ten minutes it takes to get to the Denver campus gym and swipe our student passes to gain access. After getting through the oversized entrance, we head straight to the lockers and throw our things in.

Sophie turns and studies the gym as I dig through my bag for my AirPods. “Wow,” she purrs. “It’s a sexy sausage fest in here.”

I smirk, knowing she’s currently living the dream. “Yeah,” I laugh, closing up my bag and shoving it back into the locker. “Why do you think I come?”

Soph laughs and leads the way over to the small floor space where we sit and stretch for a few minutes before our workout. “Are you ready for your classes?” she asks as she reaches for her toes, trying not to make a face at the stretch in the back of her legs.

“I think so,” I tell her. “I’m pumped for our communications class. That should be crazy.”

She nods back at me with the same enthusiastic smile. We’re both in our last year of college and are in a few of the same classes this semester, including the communications class. Sophie is working on a degree in journalism, and I must be out of my mind trying to get through a degree in media and communications while minoring in a photography course on the side, but it’s worked out for me so far. A lot of our studies go hand in hand, which is how we became such good friends.

Sophie and I met in our first year of college, both newbies living in dorm rooms. Neither of us knew a living soul on campus and were fumbling around without a clue of what to do. We were paired up for a project in our first week and quickly became inseparable. Now, I can’t get rid of the bitch, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Finishing our stretches, we get up off the floor and head over to the squat rack, which I’m surprised is actually available considering all these guys crammed in here. We get to work loading up the bar, taking turns completing our sets while trying our best not to embarrass ourselves.

“Hey,” a low, husky voice says from behind us as Sophie rises out of her squat and racks the bar. I turn to look at the newcomer while Sophie watches on from the reflection in the mirror.

The largest man I’ve ever seen stands before me. He’s good looking and most certainly an athlete with a body like that. The guy’s got to be at least six four, with beautiful, tanned skin and a sexy smirk that is enough to knock any woman off her feet. He glances in my direction, but it is Sophie who has his undivided attention.

A seductive smile comes over Sophie’s lips as she takes in the huge man behind her. “Hi,” she grins to Mr. Tall-dark-and-handsome, knowing all too well she’s got him hook, line, and sinker.

His eyes flare at her cheeky smirk, but I’m not surprised. Sophie is drop-dead gorgeous. She has the body of a model, blazing blue eyes, and thick blonde hair. She’s a showstopper. If I was the casting guy for Victoria’s Secret, I’d be hiring this girl.

He nods toward the bar. “Need a spotter, babe?” he questions, coming on strong. Lucky for him, Sophie eats that shit up.

Her gaze sails up and down his body, the interest in her eyes like nothing I’ve ever seen from her before. “What’s your name, big guy?”

His eyes don’t leave hers as he answers. “Name’s Tank, but you can call me whatever the fuck you want.”

She smirks at him once again. “You know, I think I might need a little help.”

Yep. That’s my cue to leave. “I’m heading to the treadmill,” I tell her, though I’m not entirely sure she hears me.

Sophie glances back at me and gives me a cheeky smile that tells me she won’t be coming home in a rush. She nods. “K.”

I give her a pointed stare. “Don’t be late for class.”

As soon as she’s acknowledged me, I turn in the direction of the treadmills and take a few steps before stopping and glancing back. I catch Sophie’s gaze. “Be safe,” I mouth to her. She covers up another smile but focuses her attention on Tank as he steps up behind her and places his hands on her hips. She settles the bar back in place on her shoulders.

Finding the perfect treadmill that allows me a good view of Sophie, I step up onto it and fiddle with the buttons until I’m in a comfortable jog. Popping my AirPods in, I press play on my favorite upbeat playlist and try to focus on my run.