“If you were anyone else, I would have probably tried to kill you right now. I told you—one hundred percent trust.”

Chris didn’t move and neither did Jamie, but the air between them was beginning to sizzle. Until Boomer barked from the doorway.

Chris immediately released Jamie as the dog bounded onto the bed and invaded the space between them. Jamie laughed and pulled the dog into a hug. “I think Boomer is a little jealous at all the attention you’re getting, Chris.”

Chris smiled at him, and Boomer graciously allowed him to scratch his ears to show there were no hard feelings.

“It’s alright,” he replied. “We should probably be getting up anyway.”

He leaned over and kissed Jamie on the nose before rolling out of bed and wandering naked out of Jamie’s room. They had left all their clothes strewn across the living room floor.

“Make coffee!” Jamie called after him.

“Make your own coffee, I’m not your housekeeper!” Chris called back.



Jamie laughed and fell back against the pillows. He couldn’t remember the last time he was this happy.

“Maybe we should just go to Starbucks instead?”

“As long as you’re buying.” Chris smirked at him as he stuck his head back around the door. “But you’ll have to get dressed, because I don’t think they tolerate naked drive-through.”

“Doyoutolerate naked drive-through?” Jamie shot back.

Chris paused, still smiling before replying, “We’ll have to find out sometime.”

Jamie bit his lip as a familiar heat shot through his belly. Chris smirked and disappeared again, leaving Jamie to quash the desire to run after him and pin him to a wall. Boomer looked at him and whined, and Jamie sighed. “Okay, okay, I get it. Hungry dog wants to be fed, human needs to stop thinking about his dick.”

He threw back the sheets and found some discarded clothes in a crumpled heap and pulled them on before heading downstairs with Boomer close at his heels, leaving Chris to shower alone…against his better judgement.

Chapter 10


“Hey there, soldier,” Natalie’s voice replied on the other end of the call. “How’s it going?”

Chris grinned even though there was nobody in the kitchen to see it. “It’s going fine,” he replied cheerfully. “Everything is all okay.”

“Really? Last time I spoke to you, you were about ready to punch him. Thought you’d be at the stage now where you wanted to kill him.”

“No,” Chris said mildly, propping his elbows on the kitchen counter as he watched Boomer chase a rubber chicken around the floor. Jamie was in the shower. “We’re actually getting along just fine now.”

“Oh.” Natalie paused. “That’s actually surprising.”

“Well, once we discovered that we had served in the same unit in Afghanistan, he warmed up pretty quickly.”

“Ah,” replied Natalie, understanding. “So, the reason that you keep failing to call in status reports to Marie Hall is because you’re too busy swapping war stories, right?”

Chris groaned and his head fell forward onto the counter. “Shit. I’m sorry, Nat…”

“Hey, don’t apologize to me, it’s your ass on the line! This is the president’s son that you’re taking care of. Her only son, who she almost lost twice and is in a very vulnerable state right now. We need you to update every day, Roberts. A two-minute call, an email, anything.”

“I’m sorry,” Chris repeated, sitting up. “I swear I’ll do better.”

“Good,” Natalie replied and hung up a short while later.