Now, Chris bit his own lip as he felt a familiar heat coil in his belly and he groaned, sliding a hand under the sheet and pressing his palm flat against his steadily growing erection, as if to somehow stop it. He couldn’t be thinking about Jamie like this. Couldn’t be thinking about what that full, wet mouth would feel like on his own, or on his neck, or on…

Chris jumped as there was a short rap on his door. He grabbed a pillow, sitting and hurriedly covering his lap as the door opened slowly. Jamie appeared in the doorway, barefoot and dressed in T-shirt and boxers, his hair sticking out at all angles as though he’d been pulling at it. He didn’t say a single word, just walked in and closed the door behind him, leaning on it until the catch clicked into place.

Jamie looked at him, eyes roaming over Chris’s bare chest and the pillow covering the bulge under the sheets. Chris felt his cheeks heat and was glad that it was dark enough that Jamie wouldn’t be able to tell. He propped himself up on his elbow and watched, his mouth going dry as Jamie wordlessly stripped his T-shirt over his head, dropping it unceremoniously on the floor before sliding down his underwear over his hips, kicking them off to join the shirt in a little pile, before crossing the room.

Chris’s breath caught at the sight of Jamie’s nude body, lean and muscular from head to toe with strong shoulders and legs that went on forever. He was perfect.

Jamie put a knee onto the mattress and crawled his way up the bed, leaning in as he reached Chris and stopped just short of kissing distance, breathing him in. Chris could barely draw breath, his heart hammering inside his chest as Jamie softly ran the tip of his nose along Chris’s cheek, eyes half closed. Tentatively, Chris raised his free hand and his fingers ghosted over Jamie’s side, the skin beneath them warm and smooth.

Fingers trailed patterns on arms and chests, and lips lightly grazed cheeks and ears and necks as they tried to gauge each other, slowly, softly, hesitantly. And then finally, Chris hooked his fingers into the chain of Jamie’s dog tags, cool and metallic against smooth, warm skin, and pulled him down for a kiss.

Oh, and that mouth was so much sweeter than he’d anticipated, soft lips and wet tongue that pushed its way into Chris’s mouth, the way his bottom lip lingered for a split second longer than the top when he kissed. Chris groaned helplessly and wrapped his arms around Jamie’s back, hands sliding up and tracing the muscles of his shoulders, and he pulled Jamie down with him onto the bed.

Drawing back slightly, Jamie looked at him with heavily lidded blue eyes, his jaw slack and his chest rising and falling steeply with every breath. Jamie carefully rolled his hips and watched as Chris’s eyes fluttered fully shut, his head tilting back to expose his throat, back arching away from the bed to press his body into Jamie’s, exhaling a long, shuddering sigh. Jamie lowered his head, mouthing at the side of Chris’s neck as he rocked against him again. This time, Chris’s groan echoed around the room.

Swiftly, he hooked his foot around Jamie’s calf and pushed him onto his back. Rolling on top of him, Chris gripped Jamie’s wrists and pinned his hands by his head while pressing down with his hips. Jamie’s initial startled gasp turned into a soft moan as Chris licked a long stripe up from his collarbone to his ear, threading their fingers together. He allowed Chris a few moments to breathe him in, to lightly draw his lips over the skin behind his ear, by the hairline, before his fingers flexed against Chris’s, and he twisted away from the gentle grip.

Jamie wrapped his fingers into Chris’s hair and drew their faces close, lips almost touching, mouth open and panting. His other hand slid confidently down Chris’s body to rest on his right buttock and he pulled closer, hooking his left ankle over Chris’s calf. He was hard against Chris’s abs, and he moaned and gasped with pleasure as Chris pressed down hard with his hips, body sliding easily over sweat-slicked skin.

Chris couldn’t tear his gaze away from Jamie’s face. It was light enough in the room to see how the man was even more gorgeous at this close distance, writhing beneath Chris’s body, miniscule freckles over his nose highlighted by the faint rose glow of his heated skin, tiny drops of sweat beading at his brow and upper lip. Every now and then, whenever Chris increased the pressure against him, Jamie’s eyelids would snap open with an accompanying gasp only to flicker closed a few seconds later as the sensation eased.

He pulled at Chris’s hair as Chris nipped at his throat, the fingernails of his right hand digging into skin as Jamie tried to draw him closer, body arching up to meet his. Jamie was breathing heavily, his body beginning to tremble and signalling that he was close. Chris pushed himself up on his elbows just in time to watch Jamie tip over the edge, his back arched completely away from the mattress, head thrown back and framed by a dark halo of messed hair, a soft cry escaping his lips. The sight of him caused the pressure inside Chris’s belly to reach breaking point, and seconds later, he heard himself moan as the wave of orgasm rushed over him in a burst of stars behind his eyes.

He panted, trying to restore enough oxygen to his brain to help restore his sight, vaguely aware of Jamie rolling them to lie on their sides, his arm encircling Chris’s waist and drawing them close, kisses being placed on his cheeks, his forehead, his temples. Chris’s toes and fingers were numb, and he flexed them a few times and buried his head in the space between Jamie’s neck and shoulder.

Chris was exhausted, his eyelids starting to close against his will as his breathing stabilized and he fought desperately to stay awake, to look at Jamie, to kiss him again and again and again, but he just couldn’t. He felt a slight pang of despair as the dark blanket of sleep took him over, Jamie’s fingers stroking his side, threading through his hair, lips brushing at his cooling skin.

Chapter 8

Jamie woke up lying face-down in a pillow on an unfamiliar bed, and he was alone. The sheets were rumpled and messy, barely covering his backside and legs. The space beside him was empty but still warm when he touched the slight dint in the mattress, telling him that the occupant had not been gone long. Jamie grabbed the vacant pillow, pulling it to him and burying his face in it, deeply breathing in Chris’s scent. He groaned.

It had been the worst idea of his life, and yet the absolute best idea at the same time. When he’d entered Chris Roberts’s bedroom the night before, Jamie had honestly just meant to talk to him. He had lain in bed and tossed and turned, almost pulling out his hair in a desperate attempt not to touch himself elsewhere. It had been an accident, earlier that night on the couch. They had over-balanced, toppled, and ended up too close. Jamie didn’t know how he’d stopped himself from pulling Chris towards him, closing the remaining inch of space between them and licking his way into Chris’s mouth. After that, the air had been heavy, tense, electric and as soon as their movie had ended, Jamie needed to leave, needed to be alone and take a few deep breaths and remind himself why this was all such a bad idea.

But he had heard the sound of Chris moving around next door and figured that, since they were both awake, they should probably clear the air. He hadn’t expected to find Chris naked, sitting up in bed and attempting to hide his erection behind a pillow. In that instant, all ideas of talking went directly out of the window as he drank in the sight, the light blush that was visible over Chris’s cheeks even in the near darkness, the broad shoulders and wide chest that tapered down into the narrowest waist, the shallowness of his breathing, the darkness of his light blue eyes with full-blown pupils.

Jamie had breathed him in, had tasted Chris’s skin on his tongue, allowed himself to become intoxicated on the sensation of him, the pressure, the weight. He had taken and allowed Chris to take right back, and Jamie had never known a high like it. It was probably the most intimate he had been with a person in his entire life.

And now he was awake and inhaling the residual scent of Chris from a pillow, desperately trying to cling on to the moment but felt it fading fast. He had really tried to stay away, tried to maintain some boundaries. He was sure Chris had been trying, too, but now the morning had arrived and Chris hadn’t stayed until Jamie woke up. Maybe he was already regretting it.

With a sigh, Jamie dragged himself out of bed and made a face as the body fluids that had dried on his stomach the night before cracked and stretched his skin taut. After hastily brushing himself down, he located the clothes he had discarded the night before and dressed, before taking a breath and heading downstairs to face the music.

* * * *

It was scratching that woke Chris from the semi-dream state that he was in. His eyelids snapped open as his ears tuned into the noise, before realizing that it was only Boomer scratching at the door, desperate to be let in or for somebody to come out and feed him.

Chris relaxed and became aware of a soft weight across his belly and, turning his head, saw Jamie still sleeping next to him, entirely naked, hair a complete mess, and his arm draped over Chris’s abs as he lay on his front. Chris couldn’t stop the smile rising to his lips. God, but he was beautiful.

Almost as soon as the thought entered his head, Chris had to push it away again. This had been the worst idea. He should have had more strength than this, more resolve, but from the moment Jamie Barratt had stepped into his room, all sense of propriety had been lost to his sinfully hot mouth and confident hands.

He gently threw back the sheets and swung his legs to the floor, dressing quietly so as not to wake Jamie before opening the bedroom door and being pounced upon by a large, excited Labrador. Chris shushed Boomer, then tapped his thigh to get the dog to follow him downstairs. Boomer, tail wagging furiously, looked at the sleeping form of Jamie in the bed before deciding his best bet for food lay with Chris and followed.

The dog sloppily ate the kibble as Chris put on coffee and tried to think of what the hell he was going to do about the Jamie situation. He had already been warned against over-stepping the lines and if anyone ever found out what had happened between the two of them, Chris was sure to find himself out of a job faster than he could blink, and he would never be allowed to see Jamie again. The thought made his chest ache. Jamie had already made his way so far under Chris’s skin that it physically hurt to imagine a day without seeing his face, his smile, hearing his laugh.

Chris ran his hand over his hair and sighed.

“What the hell am I going to do?” he muttered to himself.

He was just pulling coffee mugs out of a cupboard when Jamie appeared in the kitchen, nervously rubbing the back of his neck. He looked so damn endearing, his hair an even bigger mess than it had been the night before, sleep still blurring his eyes.