“A few months ago,” he answers. “I snuck a girl into one of the conference rooms. She was touring the studio, a French model who’s thinking about starting up an indie career. We’d gone out the night before, but she’d popped a few pills and I didn’t want our first time to be when she was completely out of it.”

“…One of the conference rooms?” A haze comes over me as I remember the way Rhys roughly took me on one of the conference room tables, my legs wrapped around his waist. My mind then shifts from memory to desire, as an image of Van appears in the conference room too, his lips pressed against mine, his tongue expertly exploring my mouth, as Rhys continues to push his cock inside of me—


Am I really sitting here fantasizing about sleeping with Van and Rhys at the same time?

“Are you okay, princess?” Van asks, snapping me out of my thoughts for a second time.

“Sorry.” I shake my head. “I just zoned out for a minute. That’s all.”

“You’re going to need to be more focused than that,” Van replies with a smirk. “Especially if I’m going to show you off at that songwriting symposium this weekend.”

“Songwriting symposium?”

“Short notice, I know, but don’t worry. I already cleared it with Gregory. It’s not going to interfere with his plans for our mini-tour,” he continues. “It’s just something I like to do to keep my pen sharp, comparing what I’m working on to other people’s portfolios. It’s a good way to meet some more industry friends, too.”

“Sounds good—”

“The only thing is that it’s going to be in San Francisco,” he continues. “And since it’s going to be for the whole weekend, we’ll need to get a hotel, too.”

“…Sounds great,” I reply, before I let out a nervous chuckle, every part of me feeling like it’s suddenly on fire as I think about spending a weekend in San Francisco with Van.

Friends. Friends. Friends.

You and Van can just be friends. You and Van can just be friends. You and Van can just be—


Who the hell am I kidding?

* * *

“Wait,why are you freaking out about spending the weekend with Van?” Marina asks on the other end of the line. “Van’s the one guy in this band I actually like for you.”

“Because I’m trying to do better, Marina!” I remind her. I’m leaning against the nearest wall in the hotel lobby while Van checks us into our rooms for the weekend. I decided to call Marina for a bit of moral support, even though it’s starting to seem like this is a total backfire. “Remember? How I’m not trying to let a relationship with a guy in the band ruin my whole career? Or my life?”

“Yeah, but doesn’t that just apply to Rhys?” Marina replies. “Who cares if you have a little fun with Van? Or does he have a psycho girl waiting in the shadows, too?”

“Geesha Riley isn’t a psycho,” I murmur. “She’s just…territorial.”

“Which is something that psychos are.” Marina chuckles. “Hey, what’s the weather like up there, anyway? I was thinking about taking a trip myself, just to see it—”

“Marina! Focus!”

“What do you want me to say, babe?” Marina sighs. “From how much time you’ve told me that you two have been spending together, I honestly thought that you’d already hooked up once or twice. And again, for the millionth time, IlikeVan for you.”

“You haven’t even met him!”

“Yes I did! Briefly, when he dropped off those notes. I’ll check him out more at your next show. Promise,” she replies. “Speaking of, you can get me VIP backstage passes for that, right? You’re not going to make me sit in the cheap seats with the people who haven’t known you since high school—”

“Yes, of course I can get you VIP passes, Marina—”

“Great!” Marina excitedly shouts. “Okay, then. Talk to you later, babe. I need to help one of my friends do her makeup for this audition. From the looks of it, she’s caked on so much of the wrong foundation color she’s starting to look like a goddamn orange.”

I chuckle now too, amused by Marina’s assessment of the situation with her friend.

“Talk to you later, Marina,” I say, before ending the conversation. “And thanks for all the advice.”