I’ve never been so happy to see two blue lines in my life. I feel a tear snake its way down my cheek. “Alyssa, baby,” I say.

“Yes, my love,” she answers.

“Baby makes uh… five,” I tell her. All I want to do is lift her up, swing her around, run outside holding hands and shout it to the world, but making her throw up all over the place is probably not the best idea I’ve ever had.

“Really?” she says.

“Most definitely,” I answer, holding the test up so she can see. Her breath hitches.

“I’m so glad you are with me right now,” she says, her breath coming smoother. “And you’re happy?”

“Never been happier,” I say, knowing it’s true. “Do you want to tell the others?”

She nods, grabs my hand, tightening her little fingers over my rough hand. Little fingers that I’ve so many times seen grip the microphone, touch all of us so fiercely and tenderly, and pen amazing lyrics. We walk to the door, sharing a little look of excitement before she swings it open.

“Guys,” she calls, “I have something to tell you.” Her voice is stronger now; hopeful.

Rhys and Van are just waking up. Rhys sits up and rubs his eyes. “What is it, darling? Everything all right?”

“More than all right,” I answer.

“Princess,” mumbles Van. “What’s going on?”

“I’m not sure how to say this so I’m just going to come right out with it. I’m pregnant,” she announces. Instantly electrified, the boys jump out of bed and surround her, looking like nothing more than golden retriever puppies, full of kisses and excitement.

“Careful, she’s not feeling too well,” I warn them, wanting to shelter her from their enthusiasm, but her face is bright and clear, and she’s laughing now too. “We have to be way more careful with her.”

She shoots me a smile. “Don’t worry. I’m okay. So I guess that means you’re not angry,” she says, as they gingerly wrap their arms around her, protecting her from their full enthusiasm, just like I do. She is our queen, after all. The love of our lives.

Rhys softly kisses her cheek. “Are you serious? Darling, that’s brilliant. It’s the best news I’ve heard all year. All my life, when I think about it.”

“I’m a little dazed, but I’m delighted.” Van’s smile is practically ear to ear. “You’re certain?”

“According to the pregnancy test, and they’re”—I check the box—“99 percent accurate.”

“I think we should name the baby Rhys the Third,” Rhys interrupts, gesturing into the air. “My dad was Rhys the first.”

Van fixes him with a stare, complete with crooked eyebrow. “Oh you think so, do you…”

“Does that mean we should have been calling you Junior this whole time?” I ask, and Rhys sends me a dirty look.

“There’s plenty of time to think of a name,” she says, grinning. “But we should start thinking about how we are going to handle it all, what we have on the schedule starting maybe five months from now when I’m really going to start to show.”

We tumble back into bed, everyone all talking at once. I sit back and watch them, amazed how Alyssa has changed us. We’ve gone from three guys who played music together in high school to a chart-topping band, to lovers, to being married, and now we are becoming a real family.

I can’t wait to see what lies ahead for us and how we can show her how much we love her, and our new baby, every day of the week.




“Okay, just pull the diaper up and close the tabs.”

Ambrose gives me a lopsided grimace of concern.

“She isn’t going to wake up, I promise,” I reassure him, letting my hand fall over his in a swift but electric moment of contact.