Alyssa cheeks redden, but she still avoids my gaze.

The smirk on my face grows a little wider, despite the rage that’s building up inside of me as the thought of anyone making my Alyssa feel so helpless and hurt causes me to see nothing but red.

* * *

“What the helldo you think you’re doing?!” Harrison shouts as I knock him into a VIP section at the warehouse, our frames hidden behind tinted glass that surrounds us on all sides. It hadn’t taken me long to find the asshole inside the party, as the female musicians were all too eager to point him out to me, like they were hoping I wasfinallygoing to be the one to do something about him.

Harrison Wentworth.

I’d heard of him before, mostly as a creep who likes to sleep with up-and-coming musicians, basically running his press connections like a casting couch for their careers. Unfortunately, Harrison isn’t even special in the music business. There’s a million guys just like him: old dudes who circle around new talent like sharks, who seem to think getting a younger person to sleep with them is some kind of fucked up fountain of youth.

“Fuck you!” I spit back at him, forcing him to sit down on the leather couch in front of us, my fist twisted into his T-shirt, my knuckles resting right below his jaw. “Don’t you ever talk to Alyssa Smith again, you piece of—”

“Oh, fuck, Rhys!” Harrison interrupts, a pained noise escaping his throat. “Fuck! You should’ve just told me that Alyssa was one of yours! Do you really think I’d ever go for someone who’s off-limits—”

He cuts off his own sentence with a round of coughing, weakly pointing at my grip around his neck. I loosen my grip, but keep my knuckles close to his jaw, just in case he needs to be knocked out anytime soon.

“How did I not know about you and Alyssa?” He’s still coughing as he speaks. “No offense, but you’re not usually shy about who you’re fucking this week.”

“Fuck off,” I reply through gritted teeth. “Did I say Alyssa and I were sleeping together? She is the lead singer of our band now, which means I want to make sure she’s safe from your typical bullshit, Harrison.”

“…Do you want an exclusive?” Harrison suggests, his eyes lighting up with hope as he goes on. “Do you have any idea how lucrative that could be for you, Rhys? For the band? Just picture it, a full-page spread about you and Alyssa! Hollywood’s latest rock-and-roll couple! Combine that with an album release, and you’ll be trending on every social media network within minutes—”

“I swear to God, Harrison, if you even run one story about me and Alyssa, I’m going to break both of your fucking legs.”

“Jesus Christ, Rhys!” He lets out a nervous chuckle which turns into a cough. “Lighten up, kid. I’m just throwing out some ideas.”

“Leave her alone, Harrison,” I warn. “Don’t make me leak some shit to one of those gossip blogs about how you get off on trying to sleep with a new starlet every other week.”

“Right. Because I’mtheonly one of uswho gets off on that.” Harrison rolls his eyes, before he shifts away from me, my hand falling away from his neck. “How about this instead? How about I help pump your band up to all of my media contacts? No romantic angle to it. Just pure praise of you and your talent.”

“And why would you do that, Harrison?”

“Because I can tell you’re not kidding about breaking my legs,” he admits. “And because Alyssa Smith must really be something special if she’s making you act like this, especially because you know all I’d need to do is make one phone call to Gregory and he’d throw you out on your ass—”

“Do you really think you’re in the position to make threats right now, Harrison?” I ask, my tone whispered and low. “Trust me. You wouldn’t be the first asshole I’ve had to put in their fucking place.”

“All right, all right.” Harrison holds up his hands before letting out a sigh. “Just let me work my fucking magic, kid. And then maybe we can just forget about all this tonight?”

“We’ll see about that, Harrison,” I reply, already starting to walk away from the conversation.

“Hey!” Harrison calls out. “I’m doingyoua favor, asshole! You’ll see! Maybe you should be a bit more fucking grateful!”

* * *

Holy shit.

I’m standing outside of the recording studio, staring up at a new billboard that’s hovering right behind the building. It’s a picture from one of our promo shoots, with Alyssa, Van, Cameron and me sitting on a bus bench. Alyssa’s wearing her old waitress outfit, Van’s in a classic business tuxedo, Cameron’s clad in his gym clothes, and I’m sporting a quintessential slacker look, complete with a T-shirt that’s way too big for me and a cigarette hanging out the side of my mouth.

Underneath the promo shoot is the name of our album:Americana Con Americana

“What the hell is that?” Cameron asks, suddenly appearing by my side. “Gregory didn’t mention anything about blowing through half our touring budget to put up one billboard.”

“Yeah, I suspect that Gregory hasn’t got anything to do with this,” I reply. “Unless I miss my guess, I’m…fairly sure this is all Harrison Wentworth.”

“Harrison Wentworth?” Cameron raises an eyebrow. “What does he care about promoting our band?”

“Because I…may possibly have accosted him about a week ago.”