Geesha Riley.

She’s standing in Rhys’s doorway, her eyes shooting daggers toward me.

And I silently pray that I somehow die within the next thirty seconds, hoping against hope that Rhys’s ceiling collapses right on top of me.

* * *

“I’m sorry,”I apologize to Geesha, now that I’m dressed and fully feeling like an asshole of the highest order. After realizing who was on the other side of the door, I went into a mad dash of pulling on my clothes and stumbling out of the bedroom right behind her, even though Rhys seemed confused by my reaction.

As if he’s done this a million times before, fucked a girl’s brains out while another girl was waiting for him on the other side of his bedroom door—


Has he done this a million times before?

“I’m sorry, Geesha. I’m so fucking sorry—” I continue with my apology, following her out into Rhys’s living room.

“You don’t have to apologize to me, Alyssa.” She holds up a hand, interrupting my response. There’s an air of annoyance surrounding her every word. “It’s not your fault. I know it’s not your fault. Rhys can’t help himself around fresh meat, and you’ve probably never had a guy like Rhys give you the time of day. It’s a lethal combination.”

Geesha shakes her head, letting out a pained laugh. “He called me a few days ago, told me that things were going to have to cool down between us for a little while. I figured he was just trying to get my attention, so I took a day off from tour rehearsals to come and see what was up.”

“Geesha, I’m so sorry—”

“Seriously, Alyssa, fuck off with the apologizing,” Geesha interrupts me again. “You should really just focus on having fun while it lasts, okay? Because that’s all this is to him.Fun.Do you know how many times I’ve come over to his apartment to find him hooking up with another girl? Do you really think you’re the first?”

“…And that’s okay with you?” I reply, my tone filled with disbelief. “That Rhys sleeps with other girls?”

“Rhys is going to be Rhys.” She shrugs. “He likes what he likes and he wants what he wants. The question you should really be asking is if you’re going to be okay with the fact that Rhys is going to be fucking me again, soon enough? Are you okay with the fact that healwayscomes back to me in the end?”

She takes a step toward me as she goes on. “You should also maybe be asking yourself if this is how you want to start off your career, as the girl who fucks one of the guys in her band? That kind of thing can be awfully hard to shake off once you have a reputation. And it’s the kind of thing that the tabloids wouldloveto get a hold of.”

“…Are you threatening me?” My voice is low.

“That depends,” she continues. “Are you going to keep fucking my boyfriend?”

“He’s not your boyfriend, Geesha—”

“He’s my boyfriend as far as you’re concerned, slut,” she shoots back, before she offers me a warm smile. “Anyway, good luck with your new project! I can’t wait to hear what else you come up with. I really do love your sound. Maybe you can even open for me on tour?”

“I don’t…I don’t really know what to say,” I admit, stunned by her sudden change of mood.

“You should just say thank you,” she replies, before she nods toward the front door. “And keep your mouth shut before Rhys’s dick falls into it again.”

* * *

“Alyssa? Are you crying?”Marina holds her arms out for me to fall into them as soon as I walk into our apartment. I immediately take her up on the offer, embracing her tightly as fresh tears continue to roll down my cheeks.

“What’s wrong, babe?” she whispers. “Please, don’t tell me something happened with your contract—”

“I think I fucked up, Marina,” I start, as I pull away from her and wipe tears away from my face.

“Tell me what happened, Alyssa.”

“I…hooked up with Rhys,” I explain. “The guitar player in the band.”

“Okay?” Marina quirks an eyebrow. “Is hooking up with the guitar player a fire-able offense or something?”

“No, but I…” I pause for a moment, trying to gather the rest of my thoughts. “I shouldn’t have done it. His…girlfriend came over and found us together.”