The vision is so clear in my mind, I feel like I’ve seen it before, but I know it isn’t real.

Spencer and Diego both come at the same time, tipping me right over the edge. My vision goes blank like white snow for a moment, and there is a flash of that metal and skin machine, and I can see that it is a painting.

Gently they set me back down, panting and groaning with pleasure. Trevor reaches into my handbag and pulls out a packet of scented wipes. I never go anywhere without them. In a few moments, I am just as presentable and clean as ever, with a fine, flowery scent.

Zeke and Trevor each take me by the elbows to walk side by side with me as we sneak back out of the secret chamber under the stands. The crowd sweeps us away, back to our seats on the sidelines, which are roped off with burgundy velvet chords.

“Wow, really getting the royal treatment,” Trevor smiles.

“At least this time he deserves it,” Diego smirks.

“Damn right I deserve it,” Spencer snaps back, straightening his collar.

Just before we get to our seats, I hold Spencer’s face in my palms and gaze into his eyes. We meet in the middle of our shared mental space. He knows how proud I am of him.

“Go get him,” I smile.

“Lindy!” Adorjan Rhodes calls out, waving from her seat.

Breaking away from my guys, I rush over to hug her. She seems healthy and robust, in a purple-and-red wrap dress with triangles all pointing toward her waist.

“It’s so great to see you!” I laugh into her imitation fox wrap.

“It’s so great to see you too!”


“Zeke. Diego. Trevor. How are you boys?”

Adorjan leans her head toward mine. “Quite the conversationalists, aren’t they?”

“We are working on the verbal skills,” I laugh.

“All right, who wants a beer?” Hillby asks, finally finding something he feels comfortable saying out loud.






“Also me.”

Hillby waves over his head at the waiting usher and then holds out the seat for Adorjan, who sits in it gracefully, as though she is accustomed to his chivalry.

I have to press my lips closed to keep from smiling too much. In our private box, it feels like old times. I’m so glad to see her, and I’m so glad to see her so happy.

Looks like Hillby lost a good third of that water weight he was carrying around. Even though he stopped coaching, he looks healthy as a horse. I hope that my guys look as healthy when they get to that age.

The crowd suddenly go silent.

“Oh, it’s starting,” Zeke says.

We all twist around in our seats. Across the field is a platform with banners and ribbons draped across a backdrop. Spencer walks across the platform to the podium in front and taps the microphone to test it.