“Maybe you aren’t in danger,” he admits, his eyes steely and serious, but softening as he looks at me. “That would definitely be the best-case scenario. Let’s just take a few days and make sure, okay?”

When he isn’t being bossy, he is actually kind of sweet. I can see he has a good future ahead of him. Some experience and wisdom, some training and maybe a little empathy, and Spencer will make a good leader.

Stepping back, I pivot toward Diego, who is still peering at me from his position on the bed. He’s waiting politely, calculating the situation.

Zeke is concerned but cautious, waiting for more data. He is a team player. I know he will go along with whatever we are doing.

And finally, there is Trevor. Trevor looks thoroughly concerned, yet happy I’m here. If he had a tail, he would be wagging it. Just looking at him makes me soften. I can imagine climbing him like a tree, wrapping my arms around those thick shoulders, letting him carry me between the art buildings every afternoon.

Would it be so bad? I mean, I really do think they are making way too much of this, but what if I just let it happen? Loosen up a little bit?

“So, where am I going to sleep?” I ask with a small shrug.

“Oh, you can have my bed!” Trevor offers immediately.

Spencer holds up his hands like, wait. “She should have my bed, don’t you think?”

I glance around the room. “There are only four beds, so… You guys like sleeping together?”

Diego shrugs, but Zeke winces.

“I don’t mind it,” Diego says.

“I’ll just sleep on the floor or the treadmill or something,” Zeke mutters.

“There is a pullout bed in the game room downstairs,” Spencer suggests.

“That smells like beer,” Trevor announces, making everybody glance at him to wonder how he would even know that.

“And pee,” he adds helpfully.

“Okay, tell you what,” I offer, taking a deep breath. “We can take turns. Or rather,youcan take turns. With me. In the big bed.”

My words echo among the rafters for just a couple of seconds. I sounded nervous at the beginning of the sentence, but watching their reactions is making me feel more bold by the moment. Look at them, so nervous! Great, big boys, and now they just don’t know what to do with themselves.

“Well, who goes first?” Trevor asks innocently.

My mind races. Should it be a contest? Feats of strength? Wit? No, that doesn’t seem fair.

“Tell you what. Impress me,” I suggest. “I’ll pick a winner. We can go from there.”

“Impress you with what?” Zeke asks suspiciously.

Diego and Spencer are already feeling competitive, I can tell. Each of them assumes that whatever it is, they will win.

But I have a better idea. I walk up to Trevor, biting my lip, watching his face change as I advance. He doesn’t back away, but just stands completely still, no matter how close I get.

“Kiss me,” I whisper, staring up into his face.

He glances around at the other guys.

“Don’t look at them, look at me,” I chide. “Kiss me so I can figure out who gets to sleep next to me tonight.”

He smiles a little bit. I like the waxy, pale sheen of his lips. Close-shaven and thick-necked, he looks like a propaganda poster for a Czechoslovakian farm workers union or something.

Slowly, he bends down, taking my face in his wide, callused palms and tipping my head toward him. He hesitates for a moment as he smiles, just millimeters from my lips, his eyes half closed and dreamy.

I almost melt, waiting for him. Almost turn to powder in his hands. And then his lips brush mine; soft, pliant. I inhale through my mouth and he cuts off my breath with his kiss, leaving me to inhale only him.