In the search bar in the middle of the page, I type “Jenna Tokars threesome” and click Enter.

No results.

Well, that’s a disappointment. I don’t know why, but I really expected to find some threesome pics of her. She seems like a threesome kind of gal.

Then again, sometimes whoever uploads the photos doesn’t really get the metadata correct. Somebody could have spelled her name wrong. Or, they could have used an unusual term for threesome like ménage or something like that.

“Jenna Tokars ménage.”

No results.

Well, shit. This is a drag. Now that I’m disappointed, I realize just how clearly it was all in my mind. I could practically see her with another girl, maybe both of them with their mouths on the same dick. No, like, Jenna and two guys. That’s hot.

“Jenna Tokars.”

Forty-three results.

Victory! Now we are getting somewhere. I mouse over the link and…

“What are you doing?” Spencer asks, coming right around the back table so fast that I flinch to change tabs before the page can load with my search results.

Silently, I curse his goddamn name. What the fuck? I was really getting somewhere.

“Looking at bug reports, what are you doing?” I answer irritably.

“Porn?” he accuses.

“No, I already told you. Bug reports.”

He sits backward on a chair and stares at me in challenge. “Here? In the computer lab? What the fuck for?”

“Wi-Fi is down in our room,” I lie.

“I thought you were IT. Why don’t you fix it?”

“I restarted the router, but I didn’t want to wait. That all right with you?” I answer, surprised how easy it is to just lie to him.

He shrugs, glaring at me. I begin to wonder if this is really about the computer lab or what.

Spencer is sort of our captain. He’s the boss, you might say. Actually, if you ask him, he will definitely tell you he’s the boss. Spencer, Trevor, Zeke, and I share a suite on the top floor of the fraternity house. We are also starting on the football team, which has been a hell of a ride this year. Finally, everything seems to be clicking together. It’s been great.

Spencer is a business major. He already acts like a CEO. I’m sure he’s going to be great at it one day. In fact, maybe this is good practice for me, working with somebody like him. Somebody who always has to have his ass kissed. Somebody who always has to think they are in charge, even if they are not.

“Okay, well, I’m just about done here…” I say, like I’m ready to leave.

“When were you going to tell me you were a senior?” Spencer blurts out.

He’s grinding his teeth together. His square jaw is even more square right now. His head is practically a trapezoid.

I shrug. “What are you talking about?”

“You’re a senior,” he spits out, pointing at me with his thick, sausage-sized finger.

I just shake my head.

“Are you trying to tell me you didn’t know?” he accuses.

I squint, trying to piece it together. “Am I? If I am, it’s not by a lot. I don’t know. I still got at least three semesters. What’s the big fucking deal?”