Spencer doesn’t say anything.

“You have to promise!” Ben insists.

“Fine. I promise,” Spencer growls, and I hope that he is telling the truth.

“Okay, some guys in calculus told me about this first semester. That there was this program you guys have online, right? I mean, everybody knows about it. Doesn’t everybody know about it?”

“Everybody knows about it!” Spencer barks. “Get to the point!”

Clearly trembling with fear, Ben swallows so hard I can see his Adam’s apple moving in his throat. “Okay, so… Everybody knows about it, but there is a fourth level that you can only get to by subscription. Right? Did you know that part?”

“No, we didn’t know.”

“I knew!” Trevor adds, and I want to kick him in the shin.

“What is on the fourth level?” Spencer asks in a low, dangerous voice.

At this point, Ben is as white as a sheet. I can’t believe this guy is pre-med. What a pussy.

“Well, it’s the really good stuff. You know. Webcams. Pee cams.”

“That’s disgusting,” Spencer says.

“Yeah,” Ben nods nervously. “And a few rooms. Dorm rooms with cameras. Like that. So… yeah. I just got a ping that there was new content for Lindy.”

“Just now?”

“Just now!” Ben nods.

“That doesn’t make any sense. Nobody was in there with us,” Spencer scoffs.

“Oh shit,” I groan, putting it together. “Nobody had to be in there. The camera was always there. Maybe even automatically triggered or something.”

Lindy staggers up next to me. “What are you saying? There is a camera? In my room?”

“Seattle probably left it behind,” I add gently, squeezing her arm for support. “I’m sorry. I really am.”

“Fuck that,” Spencer hisses, furious. “I’m going to go find it!”

Spencer sprints back toward the dorm, catching the door after a resident leaves and disappearing through it. The resident jumps and cringes, backing away automatically. Spencer looks like a maniac.

“You guys?” Ben adds a hopefully. “Do you think… I could come back? I mean, could I?”

I look him up and down, trembling with restraint. If Lindy wasn’t here, if watching what I want to do to this guy wouldn’t traumatize her for life, things would be going another way.

“You are a goddamnsubscriber,” I remind him. “Get the fuck out of here, Ben!”

Ben runs off in another direction, and I sincerely hope I never see that kid again. Lindy holds her arms tightly around her middle as we walk back to the dorm.

“It’s going to be okay, baby,” I tell her reassuringly.

I hope my words get through. Right now, she is totally focused on the mission. We need to find that camera.

When we get to her floor, Spencer is sulking outside the security door, pissed that he couldn’t get in on his own. He waits for her to step ahead of him and wave her key card in front of the security panel.

When it unlatches, she walks through first, shouldering in front of him. To his credit, he lets her and does not try to run ahead.

With trembling fingers, she aims her key at the lock, then pushes the door handle and stops up short. Her mouth pops open.