“This is some bullshit,” I hear her mutter. “In the quad, in class. Hey, in the fitness center! And these are different showers, you know what I mean? Like it’s not just one day. Do they follow me into the shower every single day?”

“I think you’re taking this really well,” Spencer smiles gently.

“I have no idea how I am taking it,” she replies grimly. “This is crazy. Completely bananas. Are you saying people are doing this to everybody? The whole campus?”

Spencer glances at me again. He has to take this one. I’m not doing it.

“Actually… Not exactly,” he admits.

“Not exactly?” she repeats.

“The average name gets something like forty, maybe up to seventy hits.”

“And how many did I get?” she asks.

The room goes quiet. Absolutely silent. So quiet I can hear people playing glow-in-the-dark Frisbee on the quad, two blocks away.

Chapter 12


Twelve thousand pictures. Give or take. Twelve thousand pictures of me, and I have only been on campus for just over a semester.

My mind reels. I feel woozy.

The page of thumbnails is disturbing enough, but the fact that there are hundreds more pages… How is that even possible? How could you take so many pictures of me and still have a life? Still go to class, eat, sleep, take a shower every once in a while?

What is this, some kind of stalker?

“Why would somebody do this?” I hear myself say.

Spencer looks at Diego, almost accusingly.

“What? How would I know?” he answers defensively.

“You’re in the computer science school,” Spencer shrugs.

“Yeah, but it’s not like I talk to those guys. I mean, I really only talk to you. How am I supposed to know what they are thinking?”

“Is somebody following me? Is everybody following me?”

“That’s what we want to know too,” Spencer says in a clipped tone.

I’m sure that they mean well, but I don’t like this. I don’t like being told what to do. I don’t like pictures, sure, but I also don’t like having Spencer and Diego so deeply buried in my business either.

“You are a transfer student, right?” Diego says reasonably. “So, naturally, people would’ve noticed you. I mean, Bellman is not a big school. You stand out.”

I look at them, blinking.

“Why would I stand out?”

Spencer scoffs. “Are you kidding me?”

Diego looks away shyly. I shake my head. I really am not in the mood for more games.

“Seriously? If you have something to say just say it.”

“Well, you’re gorgeous,” Diego shrugs.