“Yeah, I have Wednesdays free. But I have a lot of homework to do. We don’t have to stay all night. But let’s go get him set up and listen to the tunes, okay?”

“You are really gonna like it,” Frankie nods confidently.

“You don’t have Wednesdays free,” Trevor grins.

I shake my head. “Yeah, I do. I gave myself Wednesdays off so I would be able to stay on top of my homework even if the practice schedule is crazy.”

Trevor grins even wider. “Yeah… you have to talk to Spencer about that.”

Sometimes Trevor gets a little turned around, as I said. There is not a big point in arguing with him, and I don’t want to seem like I am being condescending or anything.

Trevor glances over his shoulder, still grinning. “Right?” he says to somebody in the hallway. “We all have a Wednesday class now?”

Spencer comes through the doorway, angling toward his corner of the room and dropping his satchel at the foot of his bed. He doesn’t meet my eyes right away.

Spencer is kind of… Well, he’s like the boss. Self-appointed, of course. But it does seem to be a pretty good fit, since he is the quarterback and everything. He is not the biggest guy, but he has all the plans. Sometimes that’s a little bit of friction.

He can be a bit of a pompous jerk, is what I am saying.

“Spencer?” I ask when he doesn’t turn around right away.

“Hey, Zeke, we need to get going,” my brother murmurs.

“Yeah, I’m ready,” I reassure him. “Spencer? You ready?”

Spencer turns around, raising his eyebrows with some attitude.

“Frankie has a gig,” I cut him off pointedly. “We all said we would go. I’m sure you remember. The van is out front.”

Spencer’s eyes dart around the room as he checks us all out, then relaxes a little bit. “Yeah, hey, Frankie,” he says in a friendly tone. “Really looking forward to it. Let me just text Diego and we can hit the road.”

Relief surges inside me. There is not going to be any argument about this, and I am glad about that. We have a good team here, and that means everybody has to compromise a little bit sometimes. Even if Spencer gets on my nerves, I am glad to know he will do the right thing.

Still, when we get to the van, I make sure to sit next to him in the first row of seats behind the driver. He won’t be able to dance out of direct questions.

“Trevor tells me there’s something about a Wednesday class? Is there something I should know?”

Spencer squints out the window like I am bothering him. “You need an elective, right?”

Shit. I suddenly realize Trevor was exactly right. My core tightens in response. I hate it when he pulls this boss-level bullshit.

“I don’t need an elective this semester. My schedule is full.”

He shrugs. “It’s a teambuilding exercise.”

“Football is a teambuilding exercise enough,” I counter. “I need Wednesdays for studying.”

“It’s really better to get it out of the way,” he mutters, staring through the windshield.

“Spencer? Are you kidding me? Did you seriously sign me up for a class without my consent?”

He doesn’t say anything.

“Hey… I’m talking to you!”

He sucks his cheeks in, and then turns to face me. His expression is not 100 percent douchey, so I tell myself not to immediately go off.

“Hillby asked me to get our academics all situated,” he explains somewhat apologetically. “I might have… acted a little bit rashly? Signing you up and everything? But the dean was there and she was being kind of a pain in the ass.”