Page 64 of Double Deal

“I certainly hope I do.”

The lights briefly change to amber, and I resolutely shrug.

“Anton has everything taken care of,” Cal interjects. “We don’t have to do anything, really. We could stay in here all day.”

“Yeah, that’s a really good idea,” Irving smirks. “Why don’t we just let Anton do it?”

I push him playfully on his thick, muscular pecs.

“You know we can’t do that,” I scold him. “In fact, half the guests are probably here already.”

“Then they can talk to each other,” Cal shrugs. “What do they need us for?”

Playfully, I step back and let the towel fall to the floor. Both of them stop immediately and stare shamelessly at my naked body, making me swell with pride. I love how they make me feel so sexy.

“Now that I have your attention…” I continue. “We are going to get dressed. We are going to the party that is already in progress. We are going to impress everyone, especially the investors who turned us down. We are going to make them eat their damn hearts out. Got it?”

“I think if we just stayed in the bedroom they would be eating their hearts out quite a bit anyway.”

“No, she’s right,” Cal admits. “We might as well rub their noses in it. Let’s get going.”

Quickly we get dressed, Irving in loose-fitting linen trousers and a V-neck silk sweater, Cal in an Egyptian cotton tunic. They are so handsome, I try to take a mental snapshot. Wavy, sandy hair. Bright green eyes. Square jaws and thick necks. An easy, confident strength in their toned bodies.

And best of all: their absolute unwavering attention on me.

Is it wrong of me to love the way that people look at us? Maybe. I’m sure that the old me would have thought the new me was unbearably smug about how fairy-tale fantastic my life is now. The old me would have thought the new me was dressed a little bit revealingly. The old me would’ve told me to pick one billionaire to kiss in front of strangers, not kiss each of them whenever I felt like it, no matter who was watching.

And by the way? Richard Branson is not as nice as everybody thinks he is. He practically licks his lips when I walk past him. As though he has a chance. As if.

And I might’ve been wrong about Elon Musk. He actually did get his submarines into production. This was a good reason for us to finish the submarine docks. They have been in constant use since we opened. I’m surprised. To me, it’s like being in a horizontal shower stall from a 1970s YMCA locker room. But, whatever. The stupid things cost a million dollars each, so of course everybody wants one.

As we cross the gardens, I finally see who I wanted to see. Of course she is standing in the middle of the catering tent. Her hair is gathered into a fluffy orange cloud on top of her head, and I can hear her laughing from thirty feet away.

As I approach, she turns, immediately setting her plate on the nearest table and running toward me with her arms out.



We crash together, practically sobbing with joy. She smells delicious, and I push her back so I can get a good look at her. Obviously she’s put on at least ten pounds, ten joyous, purposeful pounds. She winks at me and purses her lips excitedly.

“So? Notice anything different about me?” she asks playfully.

Though we are both very body positive, I’m sure she is not talking about the ten pounds. At first I think it must be the sandals, which seem to be decidedly sturdy and perfectly fitted to her feet. But then she holds up her left hand, wiggling her fingers. A bright, sparkling diamond flashes from the center of a wide gold band.

“What? When did this happen?” I ask frantically.

Giorgio walks up, nuzzling her neck shamelessly as he embraces her from behind. Tabby giggles and bares her neck for him so that he can kiss her all he wants.

“Just last week! I knew we were coming to the party, so I thought I would surprise you!”

“That’s amazing!” I exclaim through blinding tears that immediately pop to my eyes. “Congratulations! Giorgio! Welcome to the family!”

Giorgio looks up at me and smiles proudly. “I just couldn’t wait anymore,” he explains. “Not for another minute.”

“So it’s good? Everything’s good?” I ask carefully.

Tabby nods excitedly. “Just signed the papers yesterday. It’s ours!”