Avery wasn’ton board with my friendship with Agan. I didn’t blame her, considering that neither of us had been lucky when it came to men.
Yet there I stood at Mom’s door, introducing her to Agan because we had a question to ask her.
“What are your intentions toward my daughter?” Mom asked him like it was the eighteenth century.
“Your daughter is smart. I need a consultant. I will compensate you for watching Zoe.”
Mom’s eyes closed to slits. “They are calling it a ‘consultant’ these days? And what does my granddaughter get?”
Just as I was about to rebuke Mom for her question, Agan’s answer took me aback. “Disneyland, Disney World, or both. Her choice. We’ll take her there when we get back.”
Mom wasn’t done. “And how long will that be, exactly?”
“Two weeks at the most.”
Even my eyes widened. Mom agreed when Agan voiced a number for her compensation. I wanted to balk, but Agan put a hand on my arm. “It’s fine,” he said to me.
After Agan and I walked back to his car and got in, I said, “Two weeks.” I shook my head. “I can’t afford that.”
He took my hand in his. “Don’t get mad, but I paid your rent for the month.”
I’d thought I couldn’t be more shocked this night. “You shouldn’t have.”
He held up a hand. “It isn’t what you think. It’s not a bribe, just giving you one less thing to consider when you decide. If you say no, you still don’t owe me a thing.”
What was I to say to that? Especially with his warm mouth on mine, stopping any protest. When he pulled away, he said, “Think about it.”
The first person I called after he left was Avery. She was at work, but promised to come over this week. Christmas was near, and I’d been working extra shifts to make Zoe’s Christmas special.
On Christmas Day, Zoe’s happiness with the gifts I—or rather Santa—had gotten her made me feel like the best mom ever. Thanks to Agan’s unexpected gift of paying rent this month, I’d been able to swing the dance classes and princess costume. When Avery stopped by, as promised, Zoe was wearing it.
We sat on my couch as Zoe tore into the gift Avery brought her when Avery asked, “No Agan?” I shook my head. “Is he coming over?”
Zoe squealed in delight when she opened the tablet Avery got her. I sighed, knowing Avery had spent too much. But Avery’s look warned me not to spoil it for Zoe by asking about the price for the gift.
Instead, I answered her question. “He left for home yesterday. He did ask me to go on vacation with him.”
Avery’s jaw slackened. “What did you tell him?”
Zoe wasn’t paying any attention to us, so I answered freely. “I told him I’d think about it. It’s for a week, two at most. You know I’ve never been anywhere. I’ve never left the state. Is it wrong to want to go? Fly in a plane for the first time in my life? It’s a week, maybe two. I’d miss the hell out of my baby, but this could be a once-in-a-lifetime thing.”
“I can’t answer that for you. I can see all sides.”
“He wants to take me in a private plane to an island. He even offered to help expedite my passport application.”
“And Zoe?” Avery asked.
“Mom. I’ve talked to her. She said she’d watch her.”
“Sounds like you’ve made up your mind.”
I had. I could only hope my heart would survive the experience.
The day had comefor me to say goodbye to my little girl. It was more than a little sad and I tried not to cry as I said goodbye.