“That wasn’t it at all. I learned a long time ago never to underestimate anyone. What I was wondering was why a mind like yours isn’t working for me.”

I laughed. “I would have gone to college and studied for a business degree. I was set to until I found myself pregnant with no one to help me.”

“Amazing. I admire you more.”

Grinning at his compliment, I asked, “You like my idea then?”

“I do. I’d have to talk to my father. And if he goes for it, I’ll see that you’re compensated for it.”

Pride opened my mouth, but smarts closed it. Why shouldn’t I get something for handing him the idea of a lifetime?

The food arrived shortly after, and our conversation shifted to the pleasure of the meal. It had been a long time since I’d enjoyed the company of another adult outside Avery and the rare conversation at work.

When the meal was over, I didn’t want it to end, but forced myself to say, “I guess this is good night.”

He tipped his head in agreement before taking my hand and placing a chaste kiss on my knuckles. “Until next time.”

He walked me to my car, and I opened the door and got in. For a second, I prayed my car would start. If it didn’t, I might have given in to the burning desire that hadn’t flamed in me for as long as I could remember.

It did and I sighed a little before driving off with fantasies of marrying a man like Agan and leaving Montana at least once in my lifetime.

That date was just the beginning.

A week later, Avery and I took Zoe to the tree lighting ceremony in Mason Creek. It was a thing that didn’t happen in Mountainside. They had lots of activities for kids, including hayrides. It was a magical thing I wanted Zoe to experience.

I’d been too wrapped up with my daughter to remember that I might run into Agan. I felt a little guilty that I hadn’t told Avery much about him. She knew I’d gone on a date, but I’d played it down a lot. So when he appeared looking delicious I got a little nervous. I downed my drink in one gulp.

We hadn’t talked a lot since our dinner, except one day after my shift, I’d shown him around Mountainside to give him a better view of my idea. We’d then driven to Mason Creek, where I showed him how the landscape was similar. But nothing after that. I wasn’t sure if he’d ask me out again. After I put Zoe on the hayride, he drifted in my direction.

“You are a sight for sore eyes,” he said.


“Yeah. Can I get you a drink?”

I probably should have declined, but I shrugged, still a little tongue-tied. The man winked and my lady parts responded. For the longest time, I’d thought they had stopped working, but Agan was a reminder that I was all woman.

It wasn’t long before he was back with a hot toddy. The cup was warm in my hand.

“I thought maybe—” Agan began.

Avery cut him off. “Where is Zoe?”

Her accusatory outburst threw me off and I sputtered, “She’s on the hayride.” Before things could get more awkward, I introduced them. “Avery, this is Agan. Agan, this is my best friend, Avery.”

She held out her hand to him. “Sorry. I’m Avery.”

Agan took it and placed a kiss on her knuckles just as Nate Bowmen came into view.

“Enchanted,” Agan said, letting go of her hand. I felt a twinge of jealousy for about a second until I saw how Avery was looking in Nate’s direction. “Haley’s been showing me around town,” Agan added.

“He’s in town for business,” I said, as my friend gave Agan the once-over.

“Haley, can I speak with you?” Avery asked while tugging my arm. I followed her. “He’s only here a short time,” she said in a harsh whisper.

“And? Aren’t I allowed any fun?”

“It’s not that,” she said.