He flashed me a dazzling smile. “Smiley told me.”

I was so going to kill my boss.

“Mommy,” Zoe called and tried to get up.

“Wait,” I said.

“Oh, I thought she’d be in school.”

Next thing I knew, Zoe was throwing up. While I held my daughter, Agan was suddenly there with paper towels, working on cleaning up.

When I had Zoe settled, I said, “Thanks for everything, but I’ve got to get Zoe to the clinic, and it’s going to be a drive.”

Agan narrowed his eyes. “There’s not a doctor in town?”

I scoffed. “We don’t have a full-time doctor here. The county clinic or the hospital are the best options we have.”

“What about the doctor in Mason Creek? Isn’t that closer?”

I glanced away. “I can’t afford it.”

Agan went over to the sofa and scooped up Zoe in his arms. “Come with me.”

If Zoe hadn’t been sick or in the same room, I might have told him to piss off. But for my daughter, I could swallow my pride. I’d figure out how to pay the doctor in Mason Creek.

His car was as fancy as he was, a luxury sedan with all the bells and whistles. I recognized the brand as Mercedes, but I didn’t know what model it was. The leather was soft as I slid into the back seat so I could hold Zoe while she lay across the seat.

“I’m cold, Mommy.”

“I know you are,” I said. She was really warm. Her fever was spiking.

Twenty minutes later, Agan was there helping us out of the car after he parked the car illegally in front of the doctor’s office. He opened the door to the doctor and held Zoe while I filled out some forms. Then I was ushered into the back, and he said he’d wait for us.

It turned out Zoe had strep and was a little dehydrated. She was brave when they ran a line to get some fluids in her. Before we left, the doctor gave me the antibiotics she needed to take daily for the next several days.

“How much is all of this?” I asked, holding my breath.

He smiled. “It’s been taken care of.”

I said nothing until after Agan had driven us back home. Zoe had fallen asleep. So I took her to her room and laid her down. After making sure she was settled, I went back into the living room where Agan stood. I waved him outside, and he followed me back to his car.

“Thanks for everything. If you could tell me how much that cost, I could write you a check.” I’d figure out how to pay my rent on another day.

“I could if I expected repayment, but I don’t.”

“I can’t accept that.”

His hard stare was just as firm as my glare. “I know you were talking about going to the free county clinic.”

For an outsider, he shouldn’t know that the county clinic I’d mentioned was the free one. But it didn’t matter. “So? There’s nothing wrong with it.”

“Exactly. I took you to Mason Creek. I knew doing so meant I was covering the cost. I wouldn’t make that decision and expect you to pay for it.”

I gritted my teeth, but his logic was logical. “I could have stopped you.”

“Why would you? You were focused on your daughter like you should have been.”

Stubbornly, I said, “Thank you.”