“No. He’s there on business.”

That brightened her mood. “Ohhh. Is he rich?”

Of course she would ask that. I shrugged. “I don’t know. Does it matter?”

“Yes, it matters. Do you want to live in that trailer forever?”

“There are worse things.”

We eyed each other for a moment as I navigated what to say next. “Mom. Just say yes or no.”

She rolled her eyes. “I’ll watch my grandbaby, but you owe me.”

“I figured. What night?”

She looked at her phone. “Not tonight. But tomorrow night is fine and not all night.”

“Thanks,” I said and headed back to my place to make dinner for Zoe. Before I did, I shot off a text to Agan.

Me: Tomorrow night?

I put my phone down and focused on Zoe. It wasn’t until I put Zoe to bed that I checked my phone again.

There was a text from him waiting for me.

Agan: 6?


Agan’s next text was a thumbs-up before asking if there was some place I suggested.

I dialed his number. When he answered, I said, “I don’t eat out much. You may have a better suggestion than me.”

“I heard good things about the Italian restaurant here in Mason Creek.”

“Sounds good to me. I’ll meet you there at seven.”

“I could pick you up,” he offered.

“You could, but that would take you out of your way. I can just as easily meet you.”

“I’m just happy to have a meal with you.”

We ended the call shortly after. That night, I went to sleep with a smile on my face. It was still there when I went to work the next morning. Only Agan wasn’t in his usual spot, and he didn’t show up for my entire shift.

It was hard not to assume the worst by the time I made it home. He hadn’t called, and I didn’t text. It wasn’t like he’d promised he’d be at the diner daily. I’d just gotten used to seeing him. Besides, I was seeing him tonight.

Avery came over and brought a dress of hers I wanted to borrow for the occasion. I hadn’t been on a date in years and didn’t know what to make of it.

“It’s going to be fine. You look great,” Avery said.

I smoothed my hands down my sides while looking in the mirror. Every flaw I had seemed to glare back at me. “If you say so.” I sighed and turned away from my reflection. If Agan didn’t like me for me, it was his loss. “I should go.”

The drive to Mason Creek was a peaceful one. The mountains were more beautiful up close and through the pass. But Mason Creek was a different world. The town thrived in every way while our town died a slow death. Being here reminded me of that long-ago night when I’d given my virginity to Mitch Bowmen. Part of it had been revenge against my ex and the other had been an unexpected attraction to a boy who shouldn’t have wanted me. He’d said and done everything right that night, but I’d done everything wrong. It should be a reminder that Agan was no good for me. Yet I parked a few doors down from the restaurant.

I smoothed my dress again as I got out of the car, this time to dry my sweaty hands. My nerves were at a fever pitch. I hadn’t allowed myself this much hope in a man in a long time. I walked into the restaurant hoping he hadn’t stood me up.