My emotions were all over the place. I was happy Zoe was fine. I had mixed emotions about Agan. I worried for his health, yet it disappointed me I’d been left behind, discarded. And Mitchell? I’d wanted him to be a part of Zoe’s life from the beginning. I’d grown up without a father. As much as my mother insisted my father didn’t know about me, it still hurt he hadn’t been around. I’d wanted better for Zoe, and it seemed maybe that was true now. At the same time, I didn’t want Mitchell trying to take over. I’d been there from the beginning. It was going to be hard to share Zoe, even with him. And though some part of me knew that was dumb, it didn’t make it any less of an emotion I felt.

Finally, I did as the doctor suggested. There was a bedpost anchored to the wall. I was able to use the makeshift loop on the IV bag and hook it around the bedpost. Only I remembered I needed to pee badly. I did that first before I came back and lay down.

It shouldn’t have been easy to sleep. It felt like I’d been sleeping for days. Yet eventually my heavy mind let go, and I drifted off.

When I woke again, we were landing. I opted not to call. The doctor said we were landing at a private airport near Mason Creek. I would be with my daughter in less than thirty minutes. I used that time to figure out what I was going to say, not only to her, but to her father.


The IV had been removed,and I felt better than I had in days. Yet still I walked on unsteady feet to the front door of the ranch. It had been years since I’d crossed this threshold and the first time still chafed. Mitchell’s dad had looked at me with suspicion back then that had cut me to my core. And here I was, back again.

Knowing Zoe was on the other side was the only way I could force myself to lift my hand and knock. The team rode with me, but they stayed by the car, allowing me this moment to myself.

Two cautious raps. It had only been a few weeks, but it felt like a lifetime. I didn’t know how Zoe would react. I hadn’t come home as promised, and I wouldn’t blame her if she hated me.

The door opened and there she was. “Mommy, Mommy!”

I fell to my knees and wrapped my shaky arms around her. “Zoe, my baby. I’ve missed you.”

“I missed you, too. But Daddy promised he’d find you and he did.”

There was the punch in the gut. The word “Daddy” slipped off her tongue like she’d been saying it for years. And the resentment was there, even if I didn’t want it to be.

“I’m here. I’m sorry it took so long for me to get back to you,” I said.

“Daddy said there was an explosion—”

“Eruption.” I glanced up to see Mitchell Bowmen in the flesh. He was still as handsome as ever, but I felt nothing romantic for him. My other emotions were still at war.

“Eruption,” Zoe repeated. “And then there was a storm. I’m just so glad you’re here.”

“Me too.”

She pulled back and looked over her shoulder. “Sunshine, can we make cookies with Mommy now?”

That was when I noticed a striking blonde who stood next to Mitchell. It was clear there was something between them.

“Sure,” Sunshine said with a smile. But she’d hesitated and looked at me before answering. When I had said nothing, she’d finally answered.

I stood and took Zoe’s hand as she led me through a house I didn’t remember. In fact, everything looked updated and new. What would Zoe think when she returned to our tiny trailer? I pushed that thought out of my head as we entered a modern kitchen, the likes of which would fit a makeover reveal on HGTV channel.

Zoe hopped up on a stool by the island like she’d been doing it for years. I was reminded what Mitchell could offer her versus me. How could I possibly take this away from her if she wanted to stay?

I shoved the tears back into a box in my head. A few days ago, I hadn’t thought this day would come. Now I was here with my daughter, and it didn’t matter where we were as long as we were together.

“Sunshine makes the best cookies, and she lets me help.”

I held on to a smile I didn’t feel. “That’s great.”

Sunshine hesitantly moved forward. The woman appeared skittish. “I can give you the directions, and you and Zoe can do this on your own.”

For a second earlier, I’d feared she was my replacement. But kindness radiated off the woman like her name. “No. It’s not my kitchen. I wouldn’t know where to find things. It’s better if you stay.”

Her smile grew some, and we got to work after washing our hands. When the cookies were put into the oven, Mitchell, who’d drifted in and out of the kitchen, turned on the TV in the den. It was one of those big-screen deals that was likely great for an at-home movie night. The news came on with a red “Breaking News” banner across the bottom.

“Sports is coming next, but first let’s talk about the news breaking out of Soturi,” the broadcaster was saying. Where had I heard that name before? “Word is the prince and heir to the throne of Soturi, Agan Soturi, has been found. The crown has yet to release a statement, but our sources are saying he was badly dehydrated. His fiancée was seen entering the hospital.”

Whatever else might have been said died in my ears. “Excuse me for a moment,” I said and made a break for the door I spotted in the kitchen. I didn’t think I’d make it out of the front door before I was sick.