“Something happened.”

I laugh innocently and take a sip of my drink.

“What do you mean?”

“Come on, spill. Did your sugar daddy propose or something?” Her eyes widen. “Oh hell, no he didn’t!”

“Calm down, nobody proposed,” I assure her, laughing. “But you’re right. There is something I haven’t told you. Remember the client who asked for me exclusively?”

“How could I forget?” she snorts.

“Well, he isn’t exactly a stranger to me.”

“Youknowhim?” she gasps, her brow furrowing as she glares at me. “Who is he?”

“My stepfather.” I hold my breath, not sure how she is going to react. “Logan.”

“You kinky little bitch,” she squeals, reaching over to slap me on the arm. “He’s so fucking hot. How did you figure out it was him?”

“His voice, the way he spoke to me,” I confess. God, it feels good telling her about us. “We’ve been seeing each other for a month now, outside the club. Things are getting serious.”

“How serious?”

“Enough that I’m considering moving in with him,” I say, biting my lip. “I mean, it’s not like I just met the man. I’ve known him for years—”

“It’s a bit different, though,” she points out. “I mean, he’s not tucking you into bed and calling you a good little girl anymore—” Her eyes widen again. “Shit, youreallyare a kinky little bitch! No judgement from me, girl. If that’s what floats your boat, I say go for it.”

“I’m glad you think that, because I need you to cover for me with Mum. For obvious reasons, she can’t know about this.”

“Say no more,” she assures me, just like I knew she would. “Tell her you’re living here.”

“Thanks, Zo. You’re the best.”

I throw my arms around my friend, getting more excited about the idea of living with Logan by the second. A month ago, I never would have dreamed this would be my life but now I can’t help but feel this is meant to be.



“Bitch, get over here now,” Zoe hisses through the phone when I pick it up. “Yourmumis here and she’s mad.”


I grab my bag and keys, then burst out the door and head to my friend’s place—where Mum thinks I have been living for the past month, calling Logan on the way.

“Mum is at Zoe’s. She knows something is up. I think we have to tell her.”

He sighs. “I’ll meet you there.”

Living with Logan has been perfect until now. I love spending time with him, and not having to worry about getting assaulted at home has meant I can focus more on my studies. As a result, my marks are up, and I am happier all around. The only thing still holding me back is the fact that Mum doesn’t know about Logan and I.

I know we need to tell her, especially now things are getting serious between us, but I am scared how she’s going to react. At least their divorce is now finalized, so she can’t try and screw him over for more money—something my mother would totally do.

Mum is sniffing around the living room at Zoe’s when I burst through the door. My face flushed, I throw my bag down on the couch and smile at her.

“Mum,” I pant, catching my breath from running up two flights of stairs. “I didn’t know you were dropping by.”

This is the first time I have seen her atallsince I moved in with Logan.