What about it? It’s normal, natural. And after that little scene with Hannah and how casual the brothers seemed about random sex, I guess it can’t come as a surprise. I’m not going to act like I’m ashamed. Instead of folding my arms over myself, I force my arms to stay at my sides.

“You hungry?” he asks. “I was gonna ask somebody to cook me a steak, but it’s the cook’s day off.”

“So… what? You were hanging around in here, hoping somebody would come along to cook you something?”

“I can throw meat on a pan.” He scowls a little, though. “I was checking to see how long I have to cook it, is all.”

Something about his honesty is refreshing, and it makes me laugh. “You don’t eat it raw?”

“Not unless I’m on all fours.” He leaves his phone on the counter before opening one of the two refrigerators. Two of them? It’s when I realize this fridge is devoted entirely to meat that I understand. He scrubs a hand through his hair, scanning the contents before pulling a thick steak from a stack. “Want one?”

My stomach answers for me by growling loud enough for him to hear. He pulls a second enormous steak from the shelf before closing the door. It’s nice, seeing him behave like a normal person in familiar surroundings.

“So, was it worth the wait?”

That didn’t last long. “Excuse me?” I creep a little closer, coming to a stop at the marble-topped island between me and the stove, where he now heats up a pan.

“Now that you two finally fucked, was it worth the wait?”

His back is to me, so I don’t feel so bad for blushing. He can’t see. “Uh, I don’t know that I feel comfortable talking about it.”

“Come on.” He grins at me over his shoulder. “It’s just sex. We do it all the time.”

“You and your brother?”

“I mean, yeah—but that’s not what I was talking about. We, meaning wolves.” He raises an eyebrow, smirking. “Unless that’s not how you Star Moon wolves do it.”

“No, we’re open about it. But we don’t usually talk about the mating our family members are doing.”

“Huh.” He slaps the steaks in the pan, and instantly the aroma hits me. I’m ravenous—but even if I wasn’t, I’d be in a hurry to eat. If he’s chewing, he’s not embarrassing me. “We’ve always been open about shit like that, Wilde and me.”

“Yeah. I figured that out.”

“Right. That little piece of tail back in your territory.” He snorts, shaking his head. “I don’t even remember her name. She was adventurous. Good thing since she was shit otherwise.”

All right, I can’t pretend it isn’t fun to hear that.

“That wasn’t the first time,” he continues. “We’re into sharing.”

“Oh, are you?” This is getting worse all the time. My wolf isn’t into this at all. And he was supposed to be my fated mate? Is fate ever wrong? Because I can’t imagine being in a relationship with this guy. Wilde isn’t easy to deal with, and I still hate him for so many reasons, but he’s not as openly slimy as Forrest.

“We’re twins,” he explains as he flips the steaks. “We shared a womb. It started then.”

Sure. Makes sense. This guy’s out of his mind.

“But he wanted you all to himself.” He grins over his shoulder like I’m supposed to be proud. I guess I am, in a way. I’m proud Wilde doesn’t think of me as nothing more than a piece of tail, like Hannah. It must be the mating bite that makes him feel that way. There are so many things I don’t understand about the whole process.

He slides a plate in front of me with a rare porterhouse sitting in the middle. “Here you go. You need to keep your strength up.” The way he says it, I have no doubt in my mind what he thinks I need extra energy for. I can’t pretend to be turned off by the idea of mating with Wilde again, but why does he have to be so blatant about it?

“Where’s Wilde?” I ask, cutting into the tender, bloody meat. The first bite is pure heaven.

“He went up for a shower. Maybe he decided to get some rest and conserve his energy.” He winks when our eyes meet.

“You’re obsessed with what he does with his dick, aren’t you?”

“I’m having fun with you, is all.” But he looks me up and down, just the same. “Maybe I’m a little jealous, too.”

Heat flares in my chest. I could bite my tongue, but I don’t want to. My wolf doesn’t want me to, either. “Maybe you shouldn’t have passed up on the opportunity when you had the chance, huh?”

It sounds like he’s almost choking when he swallows. “Wow.”

“It’s the truth, though. You had the chance. You wouldn’t have needed to be jealous. But you rejected me.” I set down the silverware because, let’s face it, I don’t feel much like eating with this hanging between us. “Why did you do that? You’ve had time to think about it now. Why?”