“No!” I scream at my wolf. At myself.

He lifts his head finally. “We both know this isn’t enough. Your wolf needs more.” He gets up on his knees and treats me to a clear view of the bulge in his jeans. It twitches as I watch, and a groan of complete, broken frustration comes out from behind my gritted teeth.

He’s sickening—his snide smile turns my stomach and is almost enough to make me forget how desperately I need more than his mouth and fingers. “See? Why deny what we both know you need?” His fingers dig into my thighs like he owns me, like this is his body.

“You’re right.” My chin quivers. “I do need it. I need to fuck.”

“See?” He’s triumphant, so full of himself.

“I guess I could always fuck your brother.”

It’s like magic, how he changes. The way the smile drops off his face and his eyes narrow. How his face darkens and hardens. “You think so?” He lets go of my legs long enough to unbutton, then unzip his jeans. I’d try to get away, but the sheets are too slippery. I can’t get traction with my feet.

“You’re not going anywhere.” He shoves the jeans down, and his shorts with them, and my eyes almost fall out at the sight of him—massive, almost enough to scare me, but I can’t focus on that when my wolf howls in anticipation.

“No,” I insist. “Not you. No.”

He’s not impressed. “Shut the fuck up.” He hauls me in by my hips, his dick slapping against my mound. “I’m through playing games with you.”

“Oh… God…” My eyes close, and instead of trying to push him away, my fingers curl into claws that grip him, pulling him tight against me.

“You like that?” My body goes stiff as he drags himself through my slickness. He’s so close. Almost there. I don’t have to answer—my body’s doing that for me.

He leans down, still moving his hips, teasing me until tears fill my eyes. His tongue flicks my earlobe, making me moan before he whispers, “I will kill any man who touches you. Even if it’s my goddamn brother.”

He pulls away, so suddenly, my eyes fly open in surprise. And disappointment. I’m left hanging on the edge, breathless, ashamed of making it so easy for him to manipulate me.

But I got a little of my own back, didn’t I? He wouldn’t be storming out of here right now if I hadn’t.



“You’ve pulled some stunts in the past, and I’ve forgiven you—for most of them.” My mother lowers her brow, frowning. “But this? I don’t know what goes through your head.”

I didn’t expect this. A little disapproval? Sure. It wouldn’t be the first time. I can’t count the number of times they’ve called me into the study to question me on a decision I made. While we present a united front to the pack—I’m the future alpha, almost beyond reproach—the atmosphere at home, in private, is a different story.

Still, this isn’t your everyday childish prank or thoughtless mischief. Standing before her and my father as they both glare at me was not what I expected.

Here I am, future alpha, full grown, in command of myself and answering to no one.

But there’s still a very, very small part of me that wants to shrink under my mother’s disapproval. Maybe we never grow out of that, no matter who we are. “I did what I needed to do,” I insist before looking to my father for backup.

Only to get none. He scowls at me, his lips drawn into a thin line. “You behaved rashly.”

So that’s how it’s going to be. They’re going to make me eat shit over this. Rather than defend myself, I bite back my indignation. “I know.”

My parents exchange a look—then, surprisingly, they burst out laughing. I’m so stunned I find myself chuckling along with them, my gaze bouncing back and forth as I wait for one of them to clue me in on what’s so funny.

“Let’s face it.” Mom chuckles. “We are all at the mercy of our wolves at the end of the day. I would be a terrible hypocrite if I got on your case.”

“You know,” Dad points out, “if you were that desperate to be with your mate, there are better ways to bring her into our territory than to kidnap her.”

“I know.” It isn’t like I can explain my reasoning. I hardly understand it myself. To my wolf, this makes perfect sense. She is mine, and she’s going to admit it. I’m tired of fucking around. It’s time to accept what’s true, what is inevitable. And for her to think she’s better than this only makes me that much more determined to teach her otherwise.

“What I don’t understand is, why put her down in the dungeons? Why not keep her in your room?” Forrest takes a seat on the sofa, checking the time as he does. The inner council should be here any minute to discuss what went down back in the Star Moon Pack territory. Now that the dust has settled, we have to assess the witches’ attack and how it affects our plans going forward—if it does at all.