Then it hits me. If he gets to do that, why can’t I?

A wave of nausea washes over me. That seems like a pretty sure sign this is wrong, but then nothing about this is right or fair, to begin with. And who knows? Maybe if I open myself up to it, I might be able to find another mate. An actual mate. Somebody I want who wants me back. Somebody I’m not trapped into wanting because he got a little bite happy one night.

“You should’ve come over and said something,” I finally reply to Pete, who’s been waiting for my answer all this time.

He looks satisfied with himself. “I won’t make that mistake again.”

I finish filling my plate, chatting with Andrew and Adam as they jockey for attention. This isn’t all that bad, actually, even if I’m in over my head. I’m not used to making conversation, especially not with these guys. They’re the cream of the crop—hot, all of them, but also extremely eligible. A good match for anybody. I could almost sigh.

Of course, my wolf isn’t interested. Maybe I need to get them alone, without Wilde staring holes into the back of my head. That might help. With him around, I can’t focus on anything but the mark.

On the way to an empty table, I happen to brush gazes with Wilde. I expect him to look furious like he did last night when he almost charged at Forrest. But now, we might as well be strangers. He’s neutral, unbothered.

Until he tilts his head to the side, raising an eyebrow.

Is that a dare? I know it, and my wolf most definitely knows it.

She wants me to go to him. I can see myself falling to my knees at his feet, begging him to claim me, touch me, and ease the constant ache I’m suffering through, no thanks to him.

I’m stronger than that, though, and I’ll be damned if I do any of it. I’m not going to lose, not to him. I turn my attention to Hunter, still hanging at my side. “Aren’t you going to get any food?”

“I already ate.” He smirks, “But you’re worth sticking around for.” God, did Dad ask them to compliment me, too? I mean, I appreciate them trying, but this is all so foreign. It’s kind of pitiful. I’m in uncharted territory without a compass or map.

It’s terrifying, but it could also be kind of fun. I mean, what’s the harm in having a little fun for once? What’s the harm in letting my guard down?

“Attention, please,” Daniel calls out, standing at the front of the room where the band played last night, gathering the attention of everyone. “It’s nice to see all of you looking bright-eyed after the late night we spent together.” There’s some good-natured laughter after that, and I join in. It’s nice, carefree. Normal.

“After discussing it with the council, along with the other alphas, we have decided to throw one last blowout bash this evening before everyone goes their separate ways once again. Of course, thanks to the partnership we forged during this gathering, none of our packs will ever truly be alone when it comes time to this fight, and that is something that needs to be celebrated.”

“I heard some of the other packs are going to chip in for this one,” Pete says as he drops into a chair on my left, while Hunter sits on my right. I sure hope so. We’ll end up bankrupt by the time this is over otherwise, and I know Dad doesn’t feel like scrambling around, trying to get our finances secure with the threat of war on top of us.

I find Dad exactly where he was before, and I guess I shouldn’t be surprised to see him staring straight back at me. He looks pleased—he’s almost smiling, and I can sense his eagerness. Was this follow-up party his idea?

“Excuse me,” I murmur, abandoning my food in favor of crossing the room to have a little chat with him. Daniel is still going on about how we’re all going to get together again tonight by the time I reach my father.

“How much did you have to give them?” I whisper, looking around to make sure nobody’s paying attention. They’re all too busy listening to Daniel.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Yes, you do. How much did you give them to make them pay attention to me?”

“That’s not how this is done.”

“How would I know? Nobody ever saw fit to give me any lessons before.”

He leans down, speaking directly into my ear. “This is not the time for you to throw a fit.” I wasn’t aware I was. “As for my methods, I know what I’m doing, and all you have to do is stick around tonight rather than disappear early the way you did before. You need to give things a natural chance to happen, and so far, you haven’t done that at all.”