Carter helps me take the dress off with delicate fingers, and though I love it, I want it off too. It feels naughty to be naked while he’s fully dressed in a suit, but he helps me into the tub and I sit down in the hot water. “You getting in with me?” I ask.

“Don’t have to tell me twice.” He yanks his shoes off, pulling at his suit to get it off as quickly as possible.

It’s endearing, seeing how urgent he is, and I laugh as he nearly leaps into the tub with me, making waves as he plops down. He stretches out, pulling me between his legs, and I lie back against him. “You’re a lumpy pillow,” I tell him. He shifts a bit, trying to make me more comfortable. “Didn’t say I didn’t like it,” I tease.

He wraps his arms around me, one lying across the top of my chest and the other beneath my breasts. I sink into him, feeling so much better. “Thank you,” I say quietly. “For being there.”

Honestly, I’m a little embarrassed by my panic attack. Sam was right, I haven’t had one in a long time, but today was a lot.

“You don’t need to apologize, Luna. I’m sorry if I pushed you too far.” Carter’s quiet apology is accompanied by a kiss to the top of my head.

Quietly, I think about my reaction, and as I figure out what I’m feeling, I tell Carter, “It’s not too far. I think what we did just kinda hit me all at once. How are you not freaking out?”

I feel a rumbling hum against my back as he speaks. “You’re a good person, Luna. That makes this easier, I think. You don’t understand how rare and special you are, but I’m honored to be your husband—even like this—and see you discover yourself. Marriage aside, I’m just glad to know you now.”

Hot tears fill my eyes. I don’t know if I’ve ever felt more seen. I swallow thickly, not sure what to say to that. But I don’t need to say anything. Carter pulls me in tight for a squeezing hug and then grabs the shower gel and a poufy sponge from the deck of the tub, using them to wash me—gently and thoroughly.

Other than the panic attack, my wedding day is turning out pretty good.

“We should’a brought the snacks in here,” I murmur, completely relaxed and at peace in Carter’s arms. “Seriously, your sister was right. The reception spread sorta sucks.”

“Want me to get them?” he asks, but I shake my head.

“Stay here. I’m comfy despite your being a rock-hard pillow. And we can eat later.”

With a chuckle, he gathers me back into his embrace. He loops his finger through a strand of my hair that escaped my hairdo hours ago, twirling it over and over, and we . . . relax. As husband and wife.

I tune in to my heart, checking to see if it’s racing again, but it doesn’t change. There’s no panic this time.

Mr. and Mrs. Carter Harrington.

That has a nice ring to it, actually. I fidget with the new band on my left ring finger, expecting it to feel odd. But it feels okay, comfortable even.




It’s technically not our honeymoon since we’re supposed to have already been married, but I wish I could hole up at my place with Luna. Our place. She’s keeping her apartment, planning to use it as a getaway to work and paint, but for the last week, she’s been here with me and it’s been amazing.

Waking up every morning in each other’s arms.

Having coffee together.

Kissing her goodbye as I go to the office, usually with her curled up on the couch, lost in her tablet as she creates Alphena’s world.

And after a busy day, coming home to her, opening the door knowing that she’s going to slam into me for a hug.

Her asking how my day was and telling me about her day at the museum.

Cooking and eating dinner while we talk about everything and nothing.

Falling into bed and each other, only to wake up and do it all again the next day.

I don’t know what the difference is between this and a real marriage, at this point. All I know is that Luna is on my mind all day when I’m away from her, and when we’re together, I want to do everything I can to make her happy. I enjoy seeing her smile. I love seeing her coming out of her shell more and more each day, letting her guard down around me. Listening to her talk about plot points of the story she’s working on and the tour groups she had are more fun than I ever would’ve thought, especially when she starts acting out the book scenes, with her starring as Alphena, of course.