“Hey, Carter . . . if y’all are having a meeting, what’s with the roses?” She grins victoriously as she Vanna Whites the arrangement on the mantel.

Zack loses his battle and laughs. “She’s got you there.”

I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. Which is when the bedroom door opens and Samantha peeks out. “If we don’t get this show on the road, Luna might hyperventilate. Again.”

Samantha and Kayla lock eyes.

“Are you the JP?” Samantha asks.

Kayla smells blood in the water. “The what?”

I’ve got to slow this runaway train, and that starts with getting Kayla out of here. Taking her elbow in mine, I lead her to the door. “Time to go.”

I open the door, intending to throw her out. Gently, of course. But there’s an old man standing there with his hand poised to knock.

“Oh! Mr. Harrington! Lovely day for a wedding, isn’t it?” he says.

“No!” I shout, trying to cover Kayla’s ears, but the cat’s outta the bag.

“Wedding?” she echoes.

“Well, shit,” I huff in resignation. “Come on in, Judge Warren. You too, Kayla.”

Judge Warren removes his hat as he comes in, dipping his chin to Kayla. “Ma’am.”

“I knew it!” Kayla crows in delight. “That whole dinner thing was so weird. Were you testing Mom and Dad or something?”

“Testing? Huh?” I have no idea what she’s talking about, but I do know how to play host. “Zack, can you—” I jerk my head toward Judge Warren, handing him over to Zack to deal with while I handle Kayla, who’s got so many questions, they’re basically buzzing around her in speech bubbles.

Samantha cracks the door again, and I hold up a finger, telling her one minute. “Kayla, focus,” I demand, pointing at my eyes with V-ed fingers. Quietly and quickly, I explain it all to her—the fake marriage, the Cartwright deal, Dad forcing a dinner against my wishes, which forced my hand into bringing Luna as my fake wife and trusting that the family would go along. And last, that Luna and I are getting married for real to seal the deal with Elena.

“You’re tripling down on a losing bet. You know that, right?”

“It’s fine. And perfectly logical, given the circumstances.” It is, or at least it makes sense to me. Anything for the deal—that’s how I live my life.

“We’re doing this now or not at all,” Samantha says, coming out of the bedroom. She continues speaking, but I don’t hear a word of it because Luna is peeking out from behind Samantha.

I gasp as she comes fully into view. “You’re beautiful, Luna,” I whisper.

My comment is one hundred percent heartfelt. She’s beautiful. Her dress is white and flowy, glancing over her curves to puddle on the floor, the bodice highlights her full cleavage, and there are delicate strappy things that drape over her upper arms, giving the whole look a vintage feel. Her hair is pulled back to the nape of her neck, and behind her glasses, her eyes are made up with liner and lashes that give her a doe-eyed look.

“You like it?” She’s blushing, the pink flush a tantalizing addition to the white dress that Luna is swishing back and forth anxiously. “I wasn’t sure, but I didn’t exactly have a lot of time.”

“It’s perfect. You’re perfect.” I take her hands in mine, needing to touch her.

“Save it for the vows,” Judge Warren suggests with a glint of happiness in his eyes. For all his years and experience with weddings, I think he’s still a romantic at heart. Plus, he doesn’t know this is fake.

“Good idea,” I say agreeably. “Right over here,” I say, leading Luna to the fireplace.

In front of the flowers, she smiles as she inhales deeply. “Pretty, and they smell good too. Dare I say, you’ve got a sentimental bone in your body? Roses for a wedding,” Luna teases.

“Keep it up and you’ll have a sentimental bone in your body.”

“No.” Zack’s doing great with all this, truthfully, but there are some things you don’t want to know about your sister.

I’d be the same way with Kayla. And beyond the ‘don’t hurt her’ routine, the only way he agreed to not continue with his plan to beat the shit out of me was that he doesn’t want to hear one single peep about sex. Considering my nose and the remaining slight swelling, it’d seemed an acceptable deal to me.

We get arranged in front of the fireplace with Judge Warren, and I smile down at Luna, taking her hands in mine again. “Ready.” I’m talking to the JP, but Luna nods.

“Wait! One last time . . . Luna, are you sure?” Samantha asks. “Option Escape is still on the table if you need it.” She assumes a posture that’s more linebacker than maid of honor, acting as though she’d fight off anyone who got in her way if Luna wants to bail.