“How was the store today?” he asked.

“Busy,” I said with a head shake. “I have to go in early to restock. We’re down to basically nothing on the shelves. I should have ordered more for this week, but I don’t think I could have imagined what it was going to be like.”

“That’s great though.”

“It is. It’s great for the business.”

“And for your meeting in Charleston. If it does it here, you can show that it would do it there.”

“True,” I said softly.

I hadn’t considered what my numbers for this week would look like there. They didn’t have the St. Patrick’s Day crowds, but Charleston had its own events that brought in a lot of traffic. I could just see the girls all wearing my dresses on Folly Beach.

“I could get you a meeting with Nolan,” Ash added easily.

I nearly choked on my drink. “With Nolan?”

“Yeah. You said you were already meeting with someone at Holden Holdings. Nolan and I are friends. I’m sure he’d meet with you.”

“Nolan is, like … buying up commercial real estate up and down the coast. I don’t think he’d care about my one little clothing boutique.”

“He would. I did.”

“Yeah, but you know me.”

He arched an eyebrow. “He’s met you before.”

“That’s … that’s different.”

“It really wouldn’t be hard.”

“I thought you didn’t want me to go to Charleston.”

He reached across the table and slid his hand over mine. “I don’t want you to move there, but I would never stop you from following your dreams.”

My heart wrenched in my chest at the statement. The words that I’d always wanted to hear. The man I’d always wanted him to be for me.

“Well, I guess I would appreciate it then. It’s not necessary though. If it’s too much trouble—”

“It’s not,” he said immediately.

This was how the world worked. Camden had gotten me that interview for Elizabeth Cunningham. I was old enough now to realize it wouldn’t have happened without him. It didn’t matter how good I was. His word was law. I could get the store in Charleston on my own. I knew what I was capable of now, but it would certainly be easier if Ash put in a good word for me.

When we finished dinner, I helped him clear our plates. We grabbed our wineglasses and headed into the backyard. Ash had a pool and a hot tub with an outdoor kitchen, and the whole thing was illuminated by Edison bulbs. I’d just set my glass down on a table when the song switched to “The Way You Look Tonight.”

I laughed. “I always think of you when I hear this song.”

“Me too.”

Then, he took my hand in his and pulled me against him. I stopped breathing for a second as we moved effortlessly into the waltz. This was nothing like my deb ball and even less like that stupid night in New York City when I’d given myself over to him. This was the real Ash Talmadge. And he was only here for me.

He drew me closer, and I rested my head on his shoulder.

“Why is this so easy?” I asked.

“Because we fit, Mia.”

A year ago, I would have killed for him to say those words. For him to finally get past his past and see me for me. Ash and I had always fit together, but that wasn’t our reality. It never had been. No matter how easy it felt.

I pulled out of his arms. “I should probably go. Thank you for dinner.”

He frowned. “You want to leave already?”

“It’s been a long week.”

“Stay,” he said. He took my hand in his and brought it to his mouth. “Go swimming with me.”

“Ash …”

“Come on. It’ll be fun. The hot tub is perfect in the spring.”

I opened my mouth to object, but what came out was, “I don’t have a suit.”


I laughed. “I’m not going in this dress. I just designed it. I don’t even have it mapped out.”

“So?” he repeated.

Then, he started to unbutton his shirt. My mouth went dry at every inch of his bare chest. He got to the bottom and then threw the shirt onto one of the chairs.

“Are you coming?” he asked as he popped the button on his khakis.

“Oh my God, Ash!”

He laughed as he kicked his shoes off. “What? We’ve been swimming together before.”

“Yeah, but in bathing suits,” I reminded him.

He dropped his khakis and tossed them on top of his shirt. “I’ll turn around until you’re in the water. Would that help?”

“I’m not embarrassed,” I argued.

“Then, get in here,” he said as he slid down into the steamy water.

I took a deep breath. I’d had an amazing night. I wasn’t really ready to leave, but if I did this, where would it lead? Had Marina been onto something when she told me not to put out?

“Fuck it.” I tugged the dress over my head and dropped it next to his pants. I was in nothing but a nude bra and lacy pink panties.