Page 15 of Tame My Wild Touch

"Because she belongs to me and she isn't for sale."

Prudence was shocked not only by his statement but also by his voice. She recognized it. She stared at him as he raised his head and glared at her. His look told her that he would not be denied. The thought vexed her and excited her all at once.

Zac Stewart held out his hand to her. "Come here, Prudence. Now!"


"Yes, dear," Prudence said with a controlled smile as she stepped around Ned. She didn't really want to submit to his command, but then she didn't want to remain in this precarious situation, either. "Sorry to have kept you waiting, but I was so thirsty and—"

"Shut up and come over here," Zac ordered. He had a feeling that quick wit of hers would land her and probably him in even more trouble before their return to Boston. The thought didn't improve his temper.

"Now hold on just a minute," Ned demanded, grabbing Prudence's arm and preventing her from moving. "The little lady and me were doing business."

"I gave you one warning, mister. I never give two. Now get your filthy hands off my woman."

Zac's words were strong and restrained, while his right hand moved lazily toward the six-shooter in his holster.

"And if I don't?" Ned asked, puffing his chest out to intimidate and producing a smug grin.

"Yeah, and if he don't, what are ya gonna do?" Bill added bravely in defense of his friend.

Zac shook his head at the pair's dual stupidity. "Simple. I'll kill him."

The deliberate calmness of his voice brought a shocked gasp from Prudence. He wouldn't really kill these two harmless men, would he?

Sadie gave a hoot, slapped the table, and yelled to the barkeep, "Jake, order two coffins and charge them to Zac Stewart."

Ned released Prudence's arm with such swiftness that she lost her balance and grabbed onto the back of a chair for support.

"No harm meant, Mr. Stewart," Ned said apologetically upon hearing the infamous gunslinger's name.

"Yeah, no harm," Bill agreed, urgently shoving Ned to move toward the saloon doors.

Ned took a careful step around one of the tables, with Bill close on his tail. Another step brought them within a few inches of Zac, and that's when he moved his hand to rest on the handle of his gun. The two men shot out of the saloon so fast that the swinging doors flapped a multitude of times before coming to a stop.

Sadie laughed and walked over to Zac, throwing her arms around him. "You devil. You're going to ruin my business. I’ll be lucky if they come back in here at all."

Zac hugged the woman and whispered in her ear.

Sadie blushed, her already rouge-laced cheeks burning an even brighter red. "Zac Stewart, you're a devil."

"But you love my evil ways, Sadie," he said with a wink.

"Damn right I do," she agreed, and punctuated it with a hearty laugh. "Now let me get you a drink."

"Mr. Stewart!"

Zac cringed at Prudence's formality. Her tone was clearly condemning. "Make that a double, Sadie," he said as she turned toward the bar.

Zac walked over to Prudence. He wasn't exactly expecting an apology, but then he wasn't expecting indifference to his rescue of her, either. Hell, he didn't know what to expect of Prudence Agatha Winthrop.

"I assume my father sent you."

Not a thank you or a question, just a statement . . . and a correct one at that. The lady was quick. "You've got that right, honey. And just in time, too."

Prudence bristled over his assumption that she wasn't capable of handling herself in the West and his use of the endearment honey. He certainly didn't mean it endearingly.

With her dander up, her tongue struck sharply. "I suppose you're charging my father an exorbitant fee for my return, especially since you had no trouble finding me."

"Actually, it took some convincing on his part to make me agree to this little rescue. And yes, the fee is quite favorable, thank you. As far as finding you? You left a trail an idiot could follow. A few questions asked to the right people at the right places, and I was on your trail in no time." Zac caught the flash of pain that shot across her otherwise contained features. His words had hurt her considerably. He hadn't meant any harm, and he was suddenly stung with a twinge of guilt.

Prudence pushed aside his cutting remarks. Why else would he come after her other than for money? Love? A stupid, preposterous notion that irritated her all the more. "Then my announcement should cause you a share of relief and regret."

Zac's guilt instantly vanished as he waited for the announcement he expected.

"I have no intention of returning to Boston with you."

Zac pulled out one of the chairs from beneath the table and sat down in a negligent slouch. "I don't believe I gave you a choice."