He let out another sexy groan, but his cock jerked as he rubbed it against me again, so it was obvious that he was looking forward to aching for me. “Thank you, Daddy.”

Gratitude wasn’t exactly radiating from him but desire was, so I knew he was still looking forward to our night together.

An entire night because my boy had even brought his toothbrush.

Confidence was so sexy.

I could’ve stood there holding my naked boy all day, but the tub was starting to fill, so I gave him one last kiss and a pat to his ass. “Bubble time.”

He laughed, almost a giggle, as I stepped back and added the soap to both streams of water. In seconds, it seemed like the tub was overflowing with the frothy fun, and I could see Joseph’s little side peeking out before he pushed it back.

Yes, my funny little was going to have tub fun sooner rather than later, but that definitely meant shopping for bathtub toys needed to go on the to-do list.

“Is it ready?” If he hadn’t leaned into me and rubbed his ass against my erection as I wrapped my arms around him, I’d have thought he was little.

“Yes, I think it’s ready.” Too much more water and it would be overflowing once we got in, so I kissed Joseph’s neck and stepped around him to turn off both taps. “Come here, ketzel.”

I got an excited, almost innocent smile as he stepped in the water, but as we sat down and he leaned back against me, there was nothing innocent about his moan. “Oh, Daddy…”

The water was so deep he was nearly floating as he relaxed into me and the bubbles surrounded us. When the only thing that I could see was his smiling face and his toes bobbing up and down toward the end of the tub, I kissed his head and did my best to keep him steady. “What do you think of my surprise, ketzel?”

The sexy sound he made as he rolled his head against my shoulder and kissed my neck had my dick getting even harder…and the slick softness of his back wasn’t helping the situation either. “It’s just as good as you said, Daddy. This was what I wanted.”

He made a pleased sound and hummed. “I wanted to stretch out and relax, and maybe be little, and this would’ve been perfect.”

As his body relaxed, his mind followed and I could tell the moment he wasn’t thinking about what he was saying. “This would be so good to come home to, Daddy. After traveling and too many showers, this would be perfect.”

Home, huh?

Kissing his nose, since that was really all I could reach, I smiled. “We could have a rule that the first night we were home will be bath night. Little with toys or big with Daddy, you could relax and let the real world just fade away.”

I couldn’t imagine the stress he was under with so many important things resting on his ability to translate quickly, but what I could do was give him a safe place to unwind.

“Then after a bath, we could have cereal and watch a movie.” Big or little, it was a plan that would work no matter how he was feeling.

He chuckled, pushing his toes against the side so he could rock and use the water to rub his ass against my dick. “Then we could have grown-up time.”

Oh yes.

“That sounds like a very good plan.” Especially if he’d gone somewhere I couldn’t at least visit. “You’d be so relaxed by the end of the night you’d just float to sleep.”

Rocking against me again, he made another quiet, excited sound. “That sounds so much better than just coming back to my apartment and getting Chinese food.”

That sounded terrible.

“No more, ketzel. From now on, you come home to me.” To make sure he knew I was willing to reward him for agreeing, I looped my arms under his and used the leverage to rock him back and forth over my dick, running it between his soft cheeks. “You should be with me when you’re tired and you need to be taken care of.”

He gave a nearly inaudible moan that went right through me. “You wouldn’t…it wouldn’t be frustrating?”

“To take care of you?” I shook my head as he gave a hesitant nod. “No, ketzel. I like taking care of you. I liked our phone calls and the way you were a good boy and checked in with me every day. I even liked lecturing you about eating better and getting enough sleep.”

That got a low chuckle as he turned his head to cuddle against my neck. “I liked that too, Daddy. It was nice having someone to worry about me.”

Running my cock along his ass, I stroked over his chest and teased his nipples. “I think you’d like having someone to give you rules when you’re gone and to make sure you’re completely worn out when you leave.”