Daddy chuckled and set them down on the bed. “You look like you thought of everything. Good boy.”

Yay, Daddy like confidence.

I knew it.

“I was worried about you driving late.” Daddy made a sad thinking sound. “You were out late last night, but now we don’t have to worry about that.”

“I brought jammies too, Daddy.” Big ones and little ones just in case.

“I see. I’m very proud of how well you planned everything.” He leaned over and kissed my head. “I forgot to talk to you about a list, but you did wonderfully.”

I was such a good boy.

Bouncing around made it harder to find my shirt, but once I took out my toys and my blanket and my toothbrush, I found it. “See?”

Daddy laughed. “Froot Loops. I love it.”

I had lots, but I was good and only brought two shirts. “It’s got lots of colors, Daddy.”

Daddy wrapped his arms around me and gave me a squishable hug. “They would be great colors for your room.”

It was going to be perfect.

But lunch first because my tummy was very loud.


“Ketzel, your mind is very far away.” Arthur’s gentle tone snapped me out of my mental wandering.

He was right, but I frowned anyway…not pouted…just frowned. “I’m not your kitten now.”

Barely holding back a laugh as delight danced in his eyes, he shrugged. “I don’t know. You could be ketzel now and ketzeleh when you’re my boy?”

I had to think for a moment. “Little kitten?”

Maybe kitty?

He gave a casual nod as I decided I was going to have to look it up at some point. “Very close, yes.”

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to wiggle with excitement or huff. “That’s probably not the right context for that word.”

Little in this case was not small.

Arthur just flashed me a grin. “You’re so cute when you’re worried.”

Damn it.

“I’m not worried.” I was just concerned.

Leaning back in my chair, I was glad the restaurant wasn’t too crowded tonight because it made conversation much easier. The fact that we weren’t having to rush through dinner was even better. But if it’d been crowded, I could’ve played dumb and just pretended not to hear the comment.

“Then you’re…” Arthur was very Daddy as he raised one eyebrow and took a sip of his drink, doing his best to look confident and relaxed.

I wasn’t sure how much was real and how much was fake, but it made me more at ease either way. “Wondering. I’m wondering how to question your plans for the rest of the night and if I overstepped bringing clothes earlier.”

See, that wasn’t worried.

Daddy’s barely restrained smirk said he didn’t agree with my definition, but he didn’t call me out on it. “Wondering. Alright. Well, first, let me say that it was not overstepping. It was logical and it let me know what you wanted.”

There was something questioning in his gaze, so I nodded, wanting to make sure he knew I hadn’t changed my mind.

Because I hadn’t.

I just didn’t want to push him too fast, but before I could explain that, he continued. “Secondly, I like seeing you go after what you want.”


I wanted Daddy.

My face heated up and Daddy chuckled, looking pleased with himself as I groaned. “Daddy…”

That just made him even more pleased. “That’s right, ketzel.”

Daddy stretched his leg out under the table and rested it against mine. The almost innocent touch sent sparks through me, and I had to remind my dick we weren’t rushing Daddy. We might’ve been talking for a while, but we’d really just met in person. Just because he was exactly who I’d thought he would be and who I’d hoped he would be didn’t mean we had to rush.


“So no more wondering what I thought.” His eyes twinkled with laughter, but he kept his expression pleased and relaxed. “Right now, we’re going to enjoy our dinner and have a nice discussion.”


“About?” Work? Us? Tonight? Little time? Sex?

Fuck. The list could’ve kept going. He must’ve seen that thought on my face because he gave a low laugh and shrugged.

“Let’s call it a variety hour.” His cheeky response made me groan and roll my eyes, which just delighted him even more. “I knew you’d like that idea.”

Of course I would.

“And to make it even more fun, the more you open up, the more I know what direction to take our evening in.” Daddy’s eyes sparkled with something dark and sexy this time.


I had to have honest adult conversations to get sex?

Shit. Would this get me sex?

Refusing to ask, I nodded. “Conversations are important.”

I was a grown-up.

I was a grown-up.


Daddy smirked as he reached for his glass and drew out the moment, taking a sip of his water. When he finally set it back down, I was almost vibrating with energy. What would he ask first? What would we have to talk about to make sure he knew what I wanted?