“It sounds like we should have lunch first then.” Daddy was perfect and didn’t fuss at me for being naughty, but his face as he nodded to himself said he was going to make me eat veggies too.

Maybe I should’ve eaten the oatmeal?

“I have stuff.” That sounded safer to talk about than food, so I swung my bag and bopped his leg. “Little stuff and big stuff.”

Lots of stuff.

Daddy could see that, though.

“That’s perfect.” He shook his head as I bopped him again and chuckled as he took my bag. “Should we put this in the living room or should we get you your own space in the guest room?”


“If it’s mine, it’s a playroom or maybe my bedroom.” I wasn’t a guest. I was Daddy’s boy. “Right?”

Daddy’s lips twitched like his nose was itchy. “That’s right, ketzel. But we need to fix it up so it’s just right for you. Right now, it’s boring and you’re not boring.”

No, I was very not boring.

“When?” Daddy took my hand and led me into the house as he made a good thinking face. I was glad Daddy didn’t rush, ‘cause he was right. I wasn’t boring…and I was important, so that meant lots of thinking.

But he was smart, so thinking didn’t take long. When we got to his big living room that even had a TV on the wall that would make my cartoons huge, he’d gotten done thinking. “Should we pick out things on the computer together and have them sent in the mail or should we go to the store?”

Oh, that was hard.

“How long would it take to get here?” I didn’t want it to take days and days.

“We would only order things that could be delivered very quickly.” Daddy’s eyebrows scrunched up and he was thinking lots again. “Let’s start by looking for things online, and then if we don’t find something we love, we’ll go out and do some shopping before dinner.”


“Can we do little stuff on dates?” I’d never heard that rule. The other Daddies I’d met wanted big time or little time, not both. “I don’t want to be…”

I wasn’t sure what it would be, so I shrugged, but I was worried it’d be naughty somehow. But Daddy looked like he’d never thought about it. “I would have fun shopping for your room no matter if you were big or little.”

He even leaned in and kissed my head, so that meant he had to be telling the truth.

“Okay, Daddy.” Swinging his hand, I giggled as he swung the bag so we matched. “I brought a shirt.”

And lots of other stuff.

Daddy looked down at my bag and back to me. “Will you show me your shirt?”

Nodding, I pointed to it. “I’ll share. You can look.”

Daddy had manners.

I forgot.

“Do we need a rule that says you can look at my stuff?” I looked at Daddy, swinging his hand again because being patient was hard.

“I think that’s a very good idea.” Daddy smiled and kissed my head again. “You’re a very smart kitten.”

I giggled. He was so silly.

“Come on, ketzel. We’re going to go put your things down and we’ll start figuring out how to make your room fun as we get you some food.” Daddy was swinging his hands back and forth as he showed me his house. It was big, but he had lots of pillows and blankets and even fuzzy carpets.

He made me walk by myself on the stairs, though.

“Use the railing, ketzel. I’ll be right behind you.” I felt a bit like his kitten when I pouted, but I did it. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Daddy was very good at making me want to be a good boy.

It was frustrating, but he took my hand again when we were upstairs. “Just down the hall and that will be your playroom.”

I was going to have a room.

That really meant Daddy was my Daddy.

He was right.

It was boring.

“It’s…it’s got big windows, Daddy.” I couldn’t tell him it was boring, though. That would be rude. “I like big windows.”

That was the nicest thing I could think of to say. The rest of the room was white. White curtains. White bed stuff. White pillows. White walls.

It was very white, but not the good kind of white like the squishy bread.

Daddy coughed, looking around the room. “You’re right. It has lots of good light and that will help it look even better when we get some color in here.”

Yes, Daddy was so smart…it just needed color.

“My cereal has color.” Tugging on his hand, I led him over to the big bed that wasn’t too big. “Come on.”

Daddy scrunched his face up and frowned as he set down my bag. “Do you have cereal in here?”

No, because it’d gone funny.

“That’s silly.” Digging through my bag, I gave Daddy the grown-up clothes. “Not those.”