“Hmm.” Pretending to consider the offer, I made ridiculous thinking sounds for several seconds. “And watch a movie or cartoons? I’m not settling for just any old offer. I’ve already got you.”

He snorted as he laughed and the silly sound had him shaking his head.

“A movie too, Daddy.” Pressing his face against my neck, he gave me the faintest of kisses. “Yes, you’ve got me, Daddy.”

God. He was going to kill me if he walked away.

How had I fallen so completely for someone I’d met in person once?

“Pinky swear?” I held up my pinky and waited.

He’d told me a story once of his first little friend making him pinky swear not to be embarrassed when he wasn’t little anymore. I could feel the happiness float through him when he nodded and let out a soft sound.

Bringing up his hand, he wrapped his finger around mine and nodded. “Pinky swear, Daddy.”

Lacing his fingers through mine so I was holding his hand, I kissed his head and slowly worked my way along his face as he straightened. This time I knew he wasn’t pulling away or worrying. My boy was coming back for another playdate.

I wasn’t sure where we would go from there, but as I finally reached his lips and gently gave him our first grown-up kiss, I told myself I wasn’t going to worry about the future when I had perfection in the present.

And perfection tasted like Froot Loops.

Joseph’s soft moan had me deepening the kiss as he parted his lips, inviting me in as he clung to me. Stroking my tongue against his as I held him tight, I swallowed every beautiful sound he made. When we were finally breathless and achingly hard, he pulled away before resting back on my shoulder.

“I’d almost hoped this wouldn’t work out. I kept telling myself you were too good to be true.” He sighed and the dramatic sound had me smiling. “I don’t know what to do.”

Yes, a Daddy came with rules and complications, but I’d already known this would never be conventional.

“How many days do we have before you have to leave for work again?” He’d been vague, only hinting that he thought he had a few, but I wasn’t sure if that was because he wanted an out if I was nuts or if that was really what his schedule looked like.

Both, possibly.

In his situation, I’d have given myself an out just in case, so I couldn’t fault him for it.

“I have the weekend and maybe a few more days.” He took a breath and rubbed his cheek against my shoulder. “I was supposed to fly out on Monday, but the meeting I was going to be attending got delayed. One of the participants got chicken pox from his kids.”

There was something familiar about that, but my brain lost the thought as he continued. “I don’t know much more than that now, but my boss said I could use my vacation days until it’s rescheduled…probably for later in the week if they can find someone else to take his place.”

I had a thousand questions but this was DC, so the answers would probably be vague.

“Then how about we use them together?” Tomorrow was soon enough to figure out if he was some kind of embassy worker or did something weird for the CIA.

Neither of which would surprise me because I’d run into both of those types at the club over the years.

God. Please let it not be the CIA again.

They were just weird.

“Do you have time?” Joseph’s fingers were stroking against mine. “You said you’d finished a project?”

“Yes, and I have plenty of time to hang out with you next week.” I might’ve had a few things to tell him as well, but they could wait too. “But how about you come over for lunch and we’ll play for a while before we have a grown-up date for dinner?”

He went very still before licking his lips and pressing his face against my shoulder, hiding. “You want to date big me and be Daddy to little me, right? I just…I just want to make sure I have everything right.”

And he was just a bit nervous because his bad dates had gone worse than mine, so just asking the question was amazing.

“Yes.” Kissing his forehead, I did my best to make sure he heard the conviction in my voice. “I want to date the sexy man who’s been teasing me and flirting when we text, and I want to be the Daddy to the sweet kitten who loves cereal and books.”

That got a soft giggle and after a moment, he nodded against me. “I’m glad I showed up tonight, Daddy.”

Me too, my ketzel. Me too.

From: Joseph

RE: Hmm

You find the most interesting questions to ask me. How did you come up with these when you’re supposed to be working on that project you mentioned? Aren’t you technically behind still?