Richard smothers a smile. “The variance approval is just one more step in a complicated process. It’ll go through, one way or another, and then some other problem will rear its head to challenge us. That’s the nature of the business. Garrett is getting a good feel for it, and he is nothing if not invested in his career.”
“Are you considering him to take over HG?” Was that true?
“Am I retiring, do you mean?” His palm smooths over the fridge’s door handle. “Yes, that has been on my mind. But that takes years of planning for a company like this. And Garrett still has a lot to learn.” He checks his watch. “I suppose I should be on my way. But it sounds like our paths will cross again next weekend.”
“Small world, huh?”
“Indeed.” He makes to move.
“Hey. It’s a good thing, what you did, having Garrett revise the plans to save the old building. I know it all comes down to money, but … still. I’m sure people around town will remember that.”
He pauses, scratches his chin. “Is that what Garrett told you? That I made him do it?”
“You didn’t?”
He falters, as if choosing his words. “If it were up to me, those tenants would have been out as soon as I could legally vacate them, and that building would be slated for demolition. Garrett is the one who insisted on reexamining the plans. He created himself an enormous amount of extra work and added cost. He didn’t need to.”
“But he told me …” My words drift. Why would he lie?
“I don’t think it’s the senior citizens who Garrett’s been trying to win over.” He smiles. “See you soon. I hear the linen closets at Cliffside are nice.” With a wink, he strolls out.
Leaving my cheeks flushing while I try to figure out why Garrett would lie to me. Again.
Chapter Thirty-Two
A sudden urge to pee hits my bladder as I step into Bonny Acres’ common room.
Shirley is at her usual table tonight, her copper-red hair freshly colored.
“You need your wingman for this?” Ned asks.
“Only one of us has to die tonight. Say nice things at my eulogy, okay?”
He shakes his head, shuffling to where Vicki waits for him, a bouquet of tulips in his grip.
Nancy is busy wiping down each numbered bingo ball with a cloth and ignoring me. She’s wearing another Easter sweater—her third one this month. The bunny stretches from her neckline to the hem and looks like a creature that gnaws on children in a horror cartoon.
With a deep breath, I march toward doom, my chin held high.
“You must be getting bored with solitaire by now.” I settle into the seat across from Shirley without asking.
“Nope.” She doesn’t make eye contact, her hands moving over the cards, flipping and lining them up. This week’s nail color is a vibrant purple.
I place the tin of cookies in front of her, and then bite my tongue and watch her play, waiting for her to crack.
It takes three minutes. “Is your developer coming tonight?”
“I have no idea where he is. Off developing things.” Hopefully, not other relationships. “We haven’t talked in a while.” Five days feels like an eternity.
Her eyes flip to mine before refocusing on her game, but she says nothing.
“Bastard Bill proposed to Isabelle.”
Her hand falters. I knew that would get her attention. “I’ll bet that felt like a kick to the teeth.”
“More like the shin. I hopped around a bit, but then I walked it off.”
The creased corners of her lips twitch with a small smile before she smooths it over. “You were always too good for him.”
“You haven’t met him.”
“Don’t need to.”
I smile at her steadfast loyalty.
“What are those?” She pokes at the tin. “From the bakery?”
“No, I made them.” They’re Ned’s secret shortbread recipe, but with pistachios. I’m sure he won’t mind. It’s for a good cause.
She harrumphs but doesn’t make a move toward them.
“The wedding’s next weekend. I’ve managed to avoid Bill and Isabelle up until now, but I won’t be able to avoid them there.”
“You need a date. Why don’t you bring the developer? He’d look good on your arm.”
Is this a test? I never know with Shirley. “Funny thing, he’s already going. He’s Sara’s cousin, and also in the wedding. I found out at the engagement party in February.”
Her hands drop as she glares at me. Another secret I’ve kept from her.
I offer a sheepish look. “I was trying to keep Polson Falls separate from New York.”
“You did a piss-poor job of that.” She rips off the tin’s lid and digs out a cookie. Her first bite is tentative, but then she takes another. “When’d this thing between you two start?”
I hesitate.
“Oh, give me a break. The way you two were mooning over each other. Even Phyllis could see it from across the room without her glasses, and she’s legally blind.”