Sara and Joe share a quick look.

“I thought we had a no-Bill rule for tonight.” Joe watches me. “And do you care what he’s doing?”

I know who he’s doing. “Just making conversation.”

“Okay, well, since you need something to talk about, we have some news we want to share.” Joe grins at Sara, collecting her hand in his and pressing it to his mouth. “I asked Sara to marry me.”

Mom’s cutlery hits her plate with a clang as Sara slips the tucked necklace from her sweater, revealing a diamond solitaire ring dangling from the end. “I said yes!” She squeals.

Shocked excitement erupts around the table, with exclamations of “A wedding!” and “Congratulations!” and “When did this happen?”

Meanwhile, my jaw is still hanging.

Joe? Getting married?

Before me?

He’s never kept a girlfriend for more than a few months, and here we are at, what, the three-month mark? And he put a ring on her finger?

“Have you two talked at all about the big day?” Mom’s hands are clasped and pressed against her cheek in adoration. “Any early plans you want to share?”

Sara and Joe share another look.

“We have made some, yeah.” Joe nods slowly. “The wedding’s going to be May 1.”

“May 1,” Mom echoes and then she gasps. “Wait a minute, as in this May? As in …” She strums her fingers on the table, counting. “Four months from now?”

“More like three. January’s almost over,” my father corrects.

It dawns on me. Suddenly, this makes sense. “Oh my God, you knocked her up! I’m gonna be an aunt!”

“No.” Joe whips another pea at my forehead.

Sara’s cheeks flush. “Friends of our family own Cliffside. It’s this hotel in Newport, Rhode Island, and, well, it’s amazing. Old and historic and right on the water. We’ve had all our family events there growing up, my debutante ball … anyway, there’s a two-year waiting list to book an event, but they just had a cancellation, and so we thought, let’s grab it before it’s gone.” She throws her hands up. “So we did!”

“That sounds … lovely. Just lovely. Did you hear that, George? Our son is getting married this year!” Mom exclaims, but I catch the nervous twinge in her voice. She must be thinking the same thing I am: Who’s picking up the tab for this hotel by the ocean in Filthy Richville? Knowing my parents, they’ve socked away some funds to help out with the reception, but they weren’t expecting their child to marry into a dynasty.

“We know it’s tight timing, but we’re not worried.” Joe settles his arm over Sara’s shoulders. He can’t stop touching her. “This one’s a wiz when it comes to pulling events together.”

Sara waves his compliments off with a giggle. “It’s my mother who’s the expert, but I’ve learned a lot from her. Between the two of us, it’ll be no big deal.”

Not when money’s no issue.

“It’s all about the ring, the venue, and the dress, right? We’ve got the first two nailed down, and Sara could wear burlap and look stunning.” Joe chuckles.

“I guess this can come out of hiding now.” Sara giggles as she slips her necklace off, sliding the delicate diamond ring on. The band is slender, the jewel unpretentious, its setting simple but elegant.

Like Sara.

“Your mother and I couldn’t be more thrilled, son. Just thrilled.” Dad slaps Joe on the shoulder. “Do Craig and Molly know yet?”

“Nah. I made Bill promise to keep his mouth shut until I told you guys.”

“So he is capable of keeping a promise.” Bill knew about Joe getting married before I did.

But no one pays any heed to my bitterness, too excited about the welcome news. No one except Scarlet, who gives my shoulder a gentle squeeze.

Dad turns to my mother. “What are they doing tonight?”

“I didn’t ask. This was going to be an intimate dinner.”

“We should invite them over for dessert so we can share the wonderful news!”

“Oh, that’s a good idea. Say, in an hour?” Mom dabs at her mouth with her napkin and then slips out of her chair. “Excuse me for a moment. I need to send off a quick text to Molly to see what they’re up to.”

If I had a quarter for every time I’ve heard my mother utter those words …

Dad pats his chest as if searching for something within his pocketless shirt. “I wonder if I have any more of those Cohibas.”

Joe grins, leaning forward to slide three cigars from his back pocket. “I got us covered.”

Pain sparks in the back of my throat as I watch everyone around me bustle with exhilaration over my brother’s upcoming nuptials. I’m overjoyed for him, too, really, but … after all the time I put into Bill—the years—this was supposed to be me and knowing that leaves me feeling empty.

“Hey, Justine?”

I peel my attention away from my brother to meet my future sister-in-law’s anxious gaze.