He gives me a flat look.

Of course, developers know.

Shit. It’s bad enough we have to compete against one big-box store but two? Ned’s going to be upset by this news.

“I know business is bad, and Ned’s struggling,” Garrett says as if reading my mind. “He’s owned that property outright for decades. He has no liens on it, and no one to leave the business to.” He pauses. “Unless you were hoping it would go to you. Is that why you’re working there?”

My jaw drops, his suggestion flaring my rage. “I’m not the one out there swindling the elderly,” I snarl. I’ll bet Garrett’s been pumping Todd for information. He probably knew all the answers before he came in that day to ask the questions. “I started at Murphy’s because Ned needed reliable help.”

“Well, you’d be helping your boss out more by convincing him to sell to me than what you’re currently doing.”

“And what am I currently doing?”

“Obstructing a sound deal and being a royal pain in my ass.”

“What can I say? It’s what I’m good at.”

Brooklyn arrives with the bill, along with a “Hey, Justine,” for me and a playful smile for her customer that he matches. One look at this exchange, and any fool could tell they’ve been flirting all night. Who can blame them? She’s an attractive brunette college student with dimples, and he looks like that.

“Don’t waste your time on this one,” I warn her. “He may have a shiny platinum exterior, but it’s all cheap metal underneath. You know, the kind that gives you a bad rash and turns your finger green.”

“Ignore her. She’s upset it’s not going to work out between us.” Garrett slides out a matte black credit card that looks as sleek as he is, leveling me with a smirk.

“It’s more extreme disappointment. I’m sorry, but any woman who told you she was satisfied with fifteen seconds was lying to you. We have needs. Also, missionary? Expand your moves. There are books.”


A mixture of irritation and amusement burns in Garrett’s gaze as his cheeks flush.

I smile, challenging him to spit out whatever rebuttal he’s holding between gritted teeth.

But he quietly hands his card to Brooklyn with a murmured thanks.

“I’ll be right back.” Brooklyn spins on her heel and hightails it away from the table.

“You are petty and childish.” Garrett reaches for the phone and key fob on the table, giving me a sneak peek of a jutting collarbone and padded muscle just below.

“Thank you! You know who else could be called childish? That twenty-one-year-old waitress. She must be at least a decade younger than you.” How old is this baby developer?

“At least.” He smiles, not taking my bait. “As fun as this was, I think I’ll head back to New York now. I have a lot of work to do before I flatten Todd’s building.”

He’s trying to get under my skin. I won’t bite. “Sounds like it. And by the way, thanks for the investment tip.”

He answers with a blank look.

“You know, about all the new housing and that train station extension. Ned’s building will be worth a ton if he sits on it for another few years instead of selling now. Think of how much more someone will have to pay if they want it.”

“He’ll also lose money month over month once Lowes comes in.”

“Like you said, he owns the building, so his carrying costs are low. Even if he shuts down Murphy’s, I’ll bet he could lease it and make great money in rent. Especially with that shiny new condo building next door. How long will that take to build? Thirteen months? Fourteen?” I think back to contract lengths for the tradespeople I placed working on small condominium projects. “I mean, that’s assuming there aren’t any delays, which I’m guessing there will be. Major ones.”

The muscle in Garrett’s jaw twitches. “You really are a pain in my ass.”

“I’m only just getting started.” I slide out of the booth and stroll back to my people.

It’s after two a.m. when Scarlet saunters into the kitchen, her flannel pajama pants swirling around her ankles, her hair in disarray from rolling around in bed with Shane for the past hour. “Do I want to know what you’re up to?”

“Probably not.” I inhale a gulp of water to help quash the impending hangover, and then refocus on my laptop screen.

“You’ve been in a mood since running into that guy.”

“Have I?” That guy being Garrett John Harrington the Third, according to the Google search I conducted the second I settled back into my booth. Of course he’s a third. Because he’s not obnoxious enough just being Garrett. The first and second of his name were high-profile lawyers, the first earning the rank of attorney general for the state of New York. Clearly, the third went in another direction than his namesake after graduating from Harvard, following in his real estate developer uncle’s footsteps instead.