Shane eases himself to his feet. “I guess I’ll haul this outside, babe?”

Scarlet pries her attention from the stack of papers to flash a smile at him. “Thanks for trying.”

He offers a crooked grin. “Anything for you.”

I stifle my groan and throw my hands up in the air. “What about for me?”

“Dean’s waiting for your call.”

“I’m not his type. I don’t have my seniors’ discount card yet. Or a rolling pin.”

Shane’s head falls back with a bark of laughter.

“I warned you, she will not let that die.” Scarlet pokes the air with her red pen, aiming it at Shane. “You can’t tell her things like this.”

“You kidding? That’s why I told her. Fanshaw needs his ego checked.” He lugs the detached dishwasher door out, his arms tensing under the weight.

Scarlet’s gaze trails him, a yearning look in her blue-purple eyes.

“Will you be staying next door tonight, or shall I wear my earplugs?” Nights when Shane isn’t working and he doesn’t have his son tend to get noisy around here, with Scarlet’s bedroom above mine. Thankfully, they usually stay at his place.

She gives her head a little shake, as if she caught herself in a lustful daze. “How was work?”

“Oh, no big deal. You know, other than meeting the next love of my life.” I flop into an empty chair.

Scarlet purses her lips. She’s trying to figure out if I’m serious or if I’m just being … well, me. “What’s his name?”


“Garrett what?”

“I don’t know. Just Garrett.” Ned isn’t the greatest at paperwork when the customer pays cash. That’s all that was on the handwritten order in the office. His first name and a phone number. Nothing else—no last name, no address, nothing I could use to ferret out more information about my budding obsession.

“I don’t remember any Garretts growing up.” She frowns in thought. “I wonder if Shane knows him.”

“Doubtful. He’s from New York. He’s moving here to help out his aging uncle.”

Her sharp but feminine features slacken. “That’s so sweet.”

“I know. Came into Murphy’s to buy a new fridge.” I give her a thorough description of his physical magnificence.

“And so … what now? You’re going on a date?”

“If he plays his cards right.” I throw my feet up on an empty chair and regale Scarlet with the details while Shane filters in and out, collecting pieces of Stuart and catching bits of the sordid inner dialogue that ran through my head all afternoon.

“So, you guys didn’t exchange numbers or anything?”

“Well, not yet. I’m playing hard to get—”

Scarlet snorts.

“Shut up!”

“Ice-cream cones last longer on a scorching July afternoon than your resolve when you get something—or someone—in your head.”

“I can play hard to get.” Though I never have, preferring to chase after what I want. But look where that got me with Bill. It’s time I take a different approach. Besides, I’m still reeling from that heartbreak and hesitant to serve myself up on a platter to the next guy. “Garrett’s coming on Thursday to pick up his fridge and profess his undying love to me. You just wait.”

She opens her mouth to speak but pauses, a serious look passing across her face.


“Nothing! It’s just …” She sinks into her chair. “Three days ago you were texting me from behind your mother’s curtains, contemplating which knife to use to slash Bill’s tires.”

“I would never.”

She cocks her head with a challenge.

“I would never, again. That was years ago.” I drop my voice to hiss, “And it’s still a secret.” Bill suspected me, but he could never prove it, just like I suspected he cheated on me with the Starbucks barista, but I never found hard evidence. Given all that’s transpired about his character since, I’d say the tire incident was merited.

“What’s a secret?” Shane strolls in, pulling on his work gloves.

Scarlet pretends to fasten her lips with her fingertips and tosses an imaginary key over her shoulder.

“Yeah, yeah. Double standard.” He uses the dolly to haul the dishwasher out, leaving us with a gaping hole beneath the counter.

I mock sniff. “Poor Stuart. Just left out in the cold after giving the humans so many good years of service.”

Scarlet rolls her eyes. “My point is, I’m glad there’s this new prospect, but don’t pin all your hopes on this one guy you just met. I know you, and I know what you’re like. You’re already hooked, and I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“I got hurt, remember? By the last guy I thought would ever do something like that to me.” My voice grows husky, forcing me to clear it. “I’m just goofing around. If nothing else, this guy will be a fantastic rebound. I mean, you should see him.” I arch my eyebrows to emphasize my claim.

“Dean would be a great rebound!” Shane hollers from the hallway before the front door slams shut.