“You go ahead. Have a nice shower. I’ll surf around and see if I can queue up the next episode of that show we watched the other night. That might be a good way to unwind before sleep.” TV wasn’t exactly what I wanted, but perhaps I’d get some cuddles after his shower and accidentally-on-purpose fall asleep in the same bed. But when I clicked the power button for the TV, the room filled with loud moaning and unmistakable sex noises.

“Oh, hello.” Harley paused halfway to the bathroom to ogle the three-way currently mid-orgy on the screen, miles of tanned skin glowing under bad lighting and fake enthusiasm amid classic porn bow-chicka-wow-wow music.

“Sorry,” I yelped, trying to turn it off, but I accidentally made it louder instead. “I’m not sure what’s wrong with the TV.”

“Looks like someone left it on the naughty channels.” Harley waggled his eyebrows at me. “You should poke around. Have fun finding something we might both like.”

“You want me to pick porn?” I gaped at him. “For us to watch? Together?”

He shrugged. “Sure. Why not? Might be fun. I wanna see what gets you going.”

Why not indeed. All of a sudden, I was the furthest thing from sleepy.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


As I took a fast shower, I wasn’t sure whether Ambrose would take me up on the porn idea or not. Maybe he didn’t indulge, but I wasn’t ashamed of liking porn of various types and pairings. In fact, my porn habits had been a major clue that maybe I wasn’t all that straight. After all, most straight guys probably didn’t have a bookmark folder full of other guys jerking off. And I could appreciate everything from forty-second solo clip to full-on multi-partner fuckfest, so I was eager to see what, if anything, Ambrose would choose.

I dried off, then walked out with the too-small hotel towel around my neck. No sense in being subtle. I was half-hard from anticipation alone. If he wasn’t into the porn idea, I bet we could find something else fun.

“Hey. Hope you had a good shower.” Ambrose was sitting on the bed, covers pooled in his lap, chest bare, all excellent signs, as was the remote in his hand. “You were serious about watching something?”

His gaze was locked on my erection, which plumped further under his admiration, making us both chuckle, the way it bobbed in the air as I approached the bed.

“Absolutely. Let’s see what you found.” I tossed the towel to the side of the bed for later cleanup. Scooting in behind him, I maneuvered us until he was sitting in front of me, resting against my chest, reclining so his head was on my shoulder. “Now show me what you like, boss.”

“Um, I’m fairly tame when it comes right down to it. I watch stuff occasionally to help me get off, but nothing too wild or out there.”

“That’s fine. Solo porn, like just a dude lying in his bed, is one of my favorite things, especially if I can find a moaner or a talker.”

“Yeah, I like those sorts of clips too.” He sounded nervous, like even talking about porn aloud was a novelty. “I’m a bit of a film-school snob though. I get distracted by bad lighting, jumpy camera work, weird TV news background noise, stuff like that.”

“Of course, you’d go for the good stuff.” I ran my hands down his warm sides.

“Quality matters.” He laughed and then shuddered as I kissed his neck. “My favorite ones are the hard-to-find scenes with real-life couples with good production values. There are a few studios that specialize in more…romantic porn, I guess you’d call it. Professionally done stuff that doesn’t feel staged or cheesy.”

“Think I’ve proven this weekend that I can work with romantic.” I licked his neck, loving his shaky inhale. “Whatever you’d like to watch, boss.”

“I’d be good with going right to making out with you.” Ambrose tipped his head back so he could kiss me briefly. “But I did find one I’ve seen before and liked.”

He gestured at the screen, which was paused mid-kiss between a guy around our age with a reddish beard and a younger, smoother guy who wasn’t quite a twink but had some of that youthful cuteness even at what was likely thirty or so. As he hit play, I had a feeling Ambrose identified more with the smaller, younger guy because the actor gave off a lot of the same eager-to-please energy Ambrose brought to the bedroom. But his connection with his partner was truly notable, the way they doted on each other, every touch loving and lingering, each kiss soft and giving. They were lying next to each other on the floor on a fuzzy, deep-pile brown rug near a gas fireplace with soft instrumental music playing. The camera work was professional with clear, crisp images and smooth transitions, but otherwise, the movie felt un-staged, as if we were peeking in on some couple’s Friday night fun in front of their fireplace.