“Wow.” I blinked, like, legit did a double take. “I want to know all about these plans. But you do know no one’s here to witness you being the perfect boyfriend, right?”

“Because I’m willing to walk with you on the beach?” Chuckling, he followed Hercules and me to the door of the suite.

“Yeah, that must be it.” Pivoting on my heel, I gave him a quick, impulsive kiss, intending a fast thank-you peck, but winding up breathless and dazed when he turned the kiss into a four-alarm fire, complete with squeezing my ass before releasing me.

“That’s a taste of my plans.” He leered at me before laughing. “And hey, if it gets me more kissing later, I’ll go all in on romance.”

Still smiling, he led the way from the resort down the path to the beach. I had to carry Hercules on the steep parts, but the hike was more than worth it as the sky turned lavender with pink and orange stripes. The sunrise made all the rocky outcroppings glow like gold nuggets and the ocean gleam like a sheet of glass.

Hercules frolicked on the damp sand, but I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself. “Heck. It really is cold.”

“Here.” Harley shrugged out of his sweatshirt and handed it to me.

“I can’t steal your jacket,” I said even as I accepted the zippered garment. A thrill raced through me, my inner teenager all aflutter that the hot jock wanted to share his clothing with me. And I’d seen the man naked, but somehow this felt more intimate than even the shared orgasms. The hoodie smelled like him, woodsy and earthy with a hint of soap. “Won’t you be cold”?”

“Nah.” As if to prove a point, Harley did a couple of jumping jack-style moves. “I run hot anyway, but I’ll get some exercise with the beast to warm myself up.”

After tossing me a wink, he raced across the sand, Hercules at his heels. The beach was largely deserted, but a few other hardy souls dotted the long strip of beach. In the distance, two men walked holding hands, a big redheaded lumberjack type in a flannel shirt and a smaller dark-haired man with a golden retriever on a leash. Over by some of the larger rocks, a young girl picked her way along the shore while a guy around my age watched. He called out a greeting to the couple, and the sweet small-town vibe of the scene made my chest tight.

“Wait for me!” I called to Harley as I jogged to catch up. I wanted to pretend, if only for a moment, that he was my real partner, that this was our dog, our little romantic beach getaway. He slowed, turning back in my direction, a wide smile creasing his rugged face. There. That expression, the unguarded pleasure in his eyes. I was going to hold on to that and let myself believe. “Race you to that rock.”

Laughing, we both took off, and I was one hundred percent sure he held himself back, matching my pace and ensuring a tie as we reached the big rock which towered over us. Hercules darted between our ankles. I gazed up at the sky, which had turned even more golden, and as we watched, the pink tones gave way to a pure blue sky dotted with billowy clouds gilded by the last of the sunrise.

“Oh wow.” This truly was perfection, and I took a moment to inhale slowly, trying to store the memory.

“Sure is pretty.” Not a soul was looking in our direction, and even without an audience to perform for, Harley tossed an easy arm around my shoulders. “I’m glad I didn’t stay in bed.”

“Me too.” Giving a happy sigh, I leaned against him, drinking in the contact.

“Hmm.” Harley made a thoughtful noise, staring at my mouth like he was debating kissing me, and I tugged his arm more snuggly against me. “Think the dog is exhausted enough that we could sneak a shower together?”

“Let’s try. Race you back to the room.” Grabbing his hand, I sped across the sand, the sound of his laugh spurring me on until we reached the resort. Sandy feet, chilly hands, full heart. I wasn’t sure when I’d last been this happy.

And happier still after the shower Hercules allowed us with nary a bark. We lingered in the shower, stroking each other off until the hot water ran out. The dog continued to snooze as we lounged on the bed, not exactly sleeping but in that sort of delicious, hazy, post-orgasmic stupor. We laid around in towels and talked bad reality TV shows while Harley surfed the channels, but then his stomach growled, and we both laughed.

“Guess we better get dressed and feed you.” Yawning, I stretched before reluctantly leaving the bed and offering him a hand. “According to the official itinerary, we’re on our own for breakfast while most of the bridal party is primping.”