If the pair was going to fuck, they didn’t seem in any hurry, with a lot of slow, lazy exploration.

“They’re sexy,” I said to Ambrose, kissing his ear. “Tell me what you like about them.”

“You expect me to narrate too with you doing…” Trailing off, he wiggled happily as I sucked on his earlobe. “Oh, you’re all kinds of distracting.”

“Mm-hmm. You talk, and I’ll keep going.” I skimmed a hand down his chest and abs. He was naked under the sheet, but I didn’t go for his cock quite yet, even after he kicked the covers off in a clear bid to get me to move my hand lower.

“Fine. Be an evil tease.” Laughing, he nuzzled my shoulder. “I like the kissing. Not enough porn with kissing. They seem really into it.”

On the screen, the couple moaned and shifted until they stroked each other’s cocks but kept kissing. “See? Super slow build-up. I’m not an edging champ like you, but I like some foreplay in my porn, a certain amount of mystery as to when they’ll each get off and how.”

“I like that too.” Dipping my head, I nibbled his shoulder.

“And look how they touch.” He gestured at the TV, where the younger guy was rubbing his partner’s nipples. “You can tell they’re really, genuinely into it.”

“I’m into you.”

“I know.” He made a happy noise like I’d handed him a bowl of ice cream. “I love how…present you are fooling around. And I knew you’d dig the amount of jerking off in this one.”

“Love their noises too.” The moans and murmured words of the porn duo as they stroked each other’s cocks, made me finally give into the urge to fist Ambrose’s erection, but I kept my grip light.

“And neither guy is super hung or buff,” he added as he arched into my touch.

“More realistic,” I agreed, jerking him with long, slow pulls. ” I love your dick. Fits my hand so damn perfectly, and you’re so smooth and slippery. Love a guy who leaks like you.”

In our other encounters, Ambrose had seemed a little sensitive about his size, but every damn thing about his cock turned my crank. I smoothed some of his precome around, making him moan and tremble. On the screen, the couple continued kissing and stroking. The younger guy had a slight Slavic accent, and he did a lot of moaning and pleading as the other guy played with him.

“Please. Please.”

“You want more?” the older guy asked before taking his partner’s cock in his mouth in a smooth, practiced motion that earned him a fresh round of pleading

“Mmm. You picked one with begging.” A pleasant warmth rumbled through my chest, and I held Ambrose closer. He turned his head into my chest, licking my nipple, and I moaned and stroked his short hair approvingly. “Do that again.”

“This?” He sucked in earnest, ending with a light scrape of his teeth. My cock pulsed hard against his bare back, and I rocked against him a few times, which only served to rev me up more. “Yeah, baby, like that.”

“Fuck, I’m close.” Trembling, Ambrose fucked into my fist.

“Not yet.” I loosened my grip and stilled his hips with my other hand. “Movie’s still going.”

He made a frustrated noise. “It’s a long video. Not sure I can hold out.”

“Try.” I made my voice all stern, loving how that made Ambrose whimper. I’d never been this hard myself, but I was determined to make it last.

“Fuck me. Please,” the younger guy on screen begged. Oh, now this was interesting. I hadn’t been sure if they were going to go there or not.

The older guy looked up at his partner. “Is that what you need? You want me to finger your tight little hole open?”

Ambrose seemed to dig the dirty talk because he moaned along with the guy on the screen. The way he was so into the movie had me resolving to talk even more in bed. I might be out of my depth as far as boyfriend experience, but I could do dirty talk.

The camera shifted so we could see the guy’s hole as he held his legs up and back so his partner could slide two then three slick fingers in. I watched jerking way more often than fucking, but something was fascinating about watching his hole slowly stretch. Even this act between the two seemed loving, a tenderness I didn’t usually associate with porn.

“You like this?” I whispered in Ambrose’s ear before kissing his neck some more.

“Yeah.” Ambrose was deliciously breathless now, straining toward my hand. “Love it.”

Ah. Sudden understanding rippled through me. Ambrose had picked this particular video because he wanted to show me how he liked to be touched and fucked.

“You’d like me to take care of you that way?” I asked because that was truly what seemed to be happening in the movie, caretaking and lovemaking more than simply prep. Ambrose had said he liked sex to mean something, and I’d thought he’d meant more commitment-wise, but watching the movie, I better understood that it was the emotional connection he craved. I didn’t have much experience with such things, but I was more than game to try for him.