“As a former player, it never hurts to remind others about the rules of the game.”

“Former?” Ambrose tilted his head.

I chewed my lip, unsure how far out onto a limb I wanted to climb. “My twenties seem like a long time ago. And while I’ve had my share of hookups, I’ve recently been shown the joy of repeats.”

“Oh?” Ambrose’s wide smile went a long way to making me feel more secure putting myself out there emotionally.

“I might be ruined for one-night stands now,” I admitted. Duncan, Cash, and my other buddies would laugh themselves silly if they knew that I, Chief Harley Burton, was wondering how I’d cope with life after this boyfriend gig. It had only been a handful of days, and already I didn’t want to imagine a life without Ambrose in it. I’d manage because I always did, but simply picturing my apartment made my stomach cramp and a bitter taste rise in my throat.

“I’m happy to ruin you further.” Ambrose smiled slyly, then frowned as the next song started. “Good lord, the groom’s half of the playlist could use a little less twang.”

“What? I love this song. Come on.” I pulled him back onto the dance floor, leading him into a stiff two-step. We’d already had a good-natured argument on the drive to Oregon about our vastly different tastes in bands. “Quit being a musical snob and let me hold you.”

“Well, when you put it that way.” He relaxed into my embrace, settling against me with a happy sigh. “Okay, this is nice.”

We danced together, the old country love song seeming to be written especially for us. My lungs required more oxygen than usual, like weight training at a high altitude. Which made sense because I’d never reached such lofty emotional heights before, never been this into another person. I liked everything about him: the scent of his aftershave, the firm and steady feel of his hand on my shoulder, the way he let me lead, effortlessly following me like we’d done this hundreds of times. And that was a big part of it too—I loved how familiar he felt, like a piece of my soul recognized him from some other timeline.

“Oh, now, this is a song.” He waggled his eyebrows at me as the country song gave way to one of the most overplayed love songs of the nineties. “And I’d put money on Cressida requesting it. This was my crowd’s jam in high school.”

“Ours too.” Chuckling, I led him into the slightly faster tempo, enjoying his startled expression. “What? I do like an occasional non-country song. And I, too, was young and stupid once.”

“The song is giving me a powerful urge to kiss you.” He grinned so widely that hidden dimples appeared on his cheeks.

“I don’t require a song to want that.” I leaned in for a fast kiss, nothing too dirty or suggestive, but enough of a promise for later.

“Mmm.” Ambrose hummed contentedly. “I think it’s time to collect my dog from the sitter and return to our suite.”

“Cinderella about to turn into a pumpkin?” I whispered against his ear before leading him away from the dancing, snaking our way to the exit.

“Darling.” Cressida appeared in front of us, a gatekeeper I didn’t need right then. “You’re not leaving already?”

I managed to suppress a groan as Ambrose gave her a convincing regretful smile. “Afraid I’ve reached my limit.”

“Ah. Well, you’ve done admirably.” Cressida gave him a pat on the upper arm. “And I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a more believable pretend couple.”

Ambrose made a choking noise, so I gave him a gentle whack on the back, trying to remind him not to let on more than he should.

“It’s turned out to be a fun gig,” I said smoothly before gesturing at the exit. “Are you about to turn in as well? We could walk you back to your suite?”

“Always the bodyguard on duty.” Cressida gave a knowing smile. “No, darlings, I’m fine. But, Ambrose, tomorrow at breakfast, remind me there’s a little piece of show business to tell you.”

“You could tell me now.” Straightening, Ambrose wrinkled up his face.

“Absolutely not.” Cressida patted his cheek. “This has been a magical day. No shop talk. And I’m waiting on a reply to some messages in any event.”

“All right.” Ambrose pursed his mouth, clearly not the happiest. “But you better not leave for the airport until we talk.”

“Of course not. And trust me, I’m in no hurry to make the airport trek with our mother.” Cressida gestured at their mother, who was busy dancing with some other seniors to an oldies rock number.

“Oh, but she’ll have all the latest retirement community gossip for you.” Back in a good mood, Ambrose wagged a playful finger at Cressida.

“Perish the thought.” Capturing his hand, she leaned in for a cheek kiss. “And sleep well, sweetheart. No worrying.”