In short, I was proud of him and also proud to be with him, and after the ceremony, with the dogs safely delivered to the dog sitter, I found him in the big ballroom designated for the reception, a fairy wonderland of lights and purple tulle. I greeted him with a backslapping hug.

“You did good, boss.”

“I did. We all did. It went so well.” He laughed and captured my hand when I would have retreated. “Although, my sister may never recover from the dog chaos.”

“The guests loved it.” I squeezed his hand, not for reassurance this time, simply because it felt so good in mine, so right, exactly like this whole day. “I can’t wait to see photos, especially of when Lex broke out the emergency bacon.”

“One of us should get Cress some water.” Ambrose glanced over to where Cressida was holding court with a group of guests, talking animatedly, but her eyes had the strung-out gleam of someone near the end of her personal rope.

“Or something stronger.” Lex came up to us, already holding two lilac-colored cocktails. “I’ll go deliver mom’s drink. But while I do that and distract Momzilla, I need you guys to casually go to our table and move my place card to the other side of Uncle Ambrose. Swap me and Harley.”

“Lex.” Ambrose shook his head. “Please tell me you’re not planning on torturing one of the football player groomsmen.”

“Torture. You sound like Mother.” Lex leaned in to kiss Ambrose’s cheek. “If you mean am I enjoying confusing the heck out of one particular wide receiver, then yes, yes I am. Now, help a person out?”

“You’ve got it,” I promised, never one to shy away from a mission. “We’re on it.”

“You shouldn’t encourage Lex.” Ambrose trailed behind me. “They have a trail of broken hearts all over the West Coast.”

“And Lex is like, what? Twenty-two? Let them have fun. Weddings are for getting lucky.”

“True.” Ambrose gave me a decidedly heated look as we reached the head table. “I’m certainly planning on that.”

“Oh? The shower wasn’t enough?” I faked shock because making him laugh was too much fun. “We’re old. I figured you might be done for the day.”

Ambrose made a tsking noise. “You did not. The shower was barely a snack.”

“Mmm. You better be careful what you wish for,” I threatened darkly, loving how it made him blush and my own pulse rev.

“I’ll take the risk.” He grinned at me as I completed the place-card switcheroo. My throat did that weird tightening again. The real risk wasn’t to my stamina or lost sleep but to my poor brain, which was more mixed up over Ambrose by the minute. And yet, I also couldn’t wait for later, risks and all.

Chapter Twenty-One


“I believe you promised me dancing.” After the dinner, toasts, and the first dance, which had gone sentimentally perfect, Ambrose was in high spirits. He was more than a little adorable, the way he seemed tipsy despite sipping water all evening and how his nerves had retreated into pure enjoyment of the moment. But despite my joy in watching him, I drew the line at joining the wedding guests heading to the dance floor for the “Cupid Shuffle,” which had been greeted with equal parts cheers and groans.

“I did promise dancing.” I had been one of the groaners, and I gave him a pointed look even as he held out a hand. “But I thought you meant something slow. Boyfriend-y.”

“Oh, I want that too.” His eyes sparkled, heat and merriment both, and no way could I deny him anything, even a silly song. I went ahead and stood as he grabbed my hand. “Come on. Let’s join the fun.”

Reluctantly, I followed him into the fray, joining the raucous line of dancers kicking and giggling. Most people were like me and shuffled through the motions, but a few like Ambrose and Lex truly got into the song.

“Uncle Ambrose has moves.” Lex laughed, but their gaze was on a group of young groomsmen, not us. The hulking football players looked out of place in their tuxes, like it was their first time dressing up and hanging out at a fancy function like this.

“You better watch yours.” Ambrose raised an eyebrow at Lex, following their gaze to the groomsmen, who were taking advantage of the open bar rather than joining in the dance.

“Oh, I intend to watch my every move,” Lex said archly. “My hunting strategy is unparalleled.”

“Make sure your target stays sober enough to consent,” I advised in a low but firm voice.

“Good advice.” Lex’s smile never dimmed. “Trust me, I’m all about willing prey. The thrill of the hunt isn’t there if someone’s blackout drunk.”

Lex flitted away as the song ended, and Ambrose and I drifted to the edge of the dance floor.

“That was sweet of you to be concerned.” Ambrose touched my arm.